Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.


Well-Known Member
You have got me @Catkysydney .
I have never suffered ever from constipation.

I'm aware that it can be a problem, so I will only advise you to go to the ask a question forum. And you will receive the forums more experienced advice.

Best wishes

Thank you very much for your reply !

You are so lucky !

Yes, I will ask question.

Best wishes to you ..,.
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Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
I am sorry! I think I have added this in error to the thread - struggling with RH. My apologies if this is the case. I am not sure how to move it. So, I have been carrying on my reading into RH and how to manage it and have stumbled on some that say you can reduce the severity of your RH if your adrenal glands can recover over a longer period. I got diagnosed 6 months ago -this clarified what I knew already due to symptoms. I am interested in the fact that all this rollercoasting ride of highs and lows and trying to manage them has put lots of stress on the adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue is a thing, but says the stuff I have read - difficult to diagnose in isolation. I was diagnosed via the 72 hour fasting test where I still hypoed (down to 2.3) which is puzzling given not linked to food consumption.

My way forward seems to be the eat 6 meals a day, eat some but not many complex carbs and eat them last. I find the 6 meals a day is fine - given I can just divide my lunch and dinner into 2 smaller portions and I have mastered making some great healthy snacks in between. This is the good side of my progress. But by about day 4 or 5 I am very hungry and I yearn for meat! A big steak! I was almost vegey before! And I yearn for sweet stuff that becomes pretty all consuming and may be more psychological. I have just finished a 7 day sugar binge reversing the 70% goodness of the previous month. I feel dreadful and frustrated with myself.

My post is because I want to be held accountable to myself. I am making another appt with the GP to see if I can get a referral to an Endocrinologist to check if there are any other tests as I am puzzled by the 72 hour test. The most important thing though is, what happens if my adrenal glands get a really good rest because I am good with my food for a longer period - 6 months? No alcohol. No sweets. More meat. Tons of veg and a little complex carbs. Will this improve the window of not needing to eat every few hours and mean that a few every now and again treats are ok? I will report back and thank you for letting me share my thoughts in such a long winded way!!!!

Lamont - please do not recommend no carbs and keto to me! (-: I think RH presents so differently in all of us and we surely can't advise each other? I can see the science can make sense for some BUT No carbs meant literally falling through Greggs shop door, crashing into people at my local corner shop, and stopping the car driving when the 1 tree ahead double visioned in to a small woodland! I genuinely felt awful!

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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
No worries on crashing through this thread or even Greggs. Ha!
What is Greggs? Ha!
And I agree that the individuality of hypoglycaemia sometimes means, what works for me, might not work for you.
I am sorry! I think I have added this in error to the thread - struggling with RH. My apologies if this is the case. I am not sure how to move it. So, I have been carrying on my reading into RH and how to manage it and have stumbled on some that say you can reduce the severity of your RH if your adrenal glands can recover over a longer period. I got diagnosed 6 months ago -this clarified what I knew already due to symptoms. I am interested in the fact that all this rollercoasting ride of highs and lows and trying to manage them has put lots of stress on the adrenal glands. So they too, I imagine, are on their own, quite tired, rollercoaster ride (given I have had these symptoms for a couple of decades). Adrenal fatigue is a thing, but says the stuff I have read - difficult to diagnose in isolation. I used a monitor for the first few months to work out what I can eat. I was diagnosed via the 72 hour fasting test where I still hypoed (down to 2.3) which is puzzling given not linked to food consumption.

My way forward seems to be the eat 6 meals a day, eat some but not many complex carbs and usually I eat them last on my plate. I find the 6 meals a day is fine - given I can just divide my lunch and dinner into 2 smaller portions and I have mastered some great healthy snacks that are the morning and late night fillers. This is the good side of my progress. But by about day 4 or 5 I am very hungry and I yearn for meat! A big steak! I was almost vegey before! And I yearn for sweet stuff that becomes pretty all consuming and may be more psychological. I have just finished a 7 day sugar binge reversing the 70% goodness of the previous month. I feel dreadful and frustrated with myself.

My post is because I want to be held accountable to myself. I am making another appt with the GP to see if I can get a referral to an Endocrinologist to check if there are any other tests I can do as I am puzzled by the 72 hour diagnosis. The most important thing though is, what happens if my adrenal glands get a really good rest because I am good with my food for a longer period - 6 months? No alcohol. No sweets. More meat. Tons of veg and a little complex carbs. Will this improve the window of not needing to eat every few hours and mean that a few every now and again treats are ok? I will report back and thank you for letting me share my thoughts in such a long winded way!!!!

Lamont - please do not recommend no carbs and keto to me! (-: I think RH presents so differently in all of us and we surely can't advise each other? I can see the science can make sense for some BUT No carbs meant literally falling through Greggs shop door, crashing into people at my local corner shop, and stopping the car driving when the 1 tree ahead double visioned in to a small woodland! I genuinely felt awful!

I totally agree with your summation that you do need a referral.
I have concerns that you going hypo on a fasting test, that as you say, if it is RH, you should not go hypo.
I was told by my endocrinologist, that going hypo means that you would need tests to discover why? And it is usually a condition of the pancreas, something like pancreatitis.
I have to admit that when I tried the six meals or continuous eating was so exhausting for me.
It wasn't logical, for me.
The glands will have an effect, that is of course another symptom of something else that may be an imbalance in your hormonal response to what is causing the hypos.
This is why it is a part of endocrinology, and a full panel blood test or a specified test for the glands, will show up the imbalance.
The reason why you want to eat the fridge, cupboards, the chippy, etc. Is the carbs, sweet stuff.
The body gets used to the highs, the spikes, so your brain wants to know why it is being deprived of the spike and sends the signal that it wants more, the feeling of hunger.
And if you want a big steak, I would endorse it.
You might enjoy it!
Keep in touch, let us know how you get on.


Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Just to let you know, I don't agree with their thinking!
However, having a CGM will be very useful in understanding it all.
You clearly are going low. And I do think you are over producing insulin. But I'm not certain that going hypo without having food, is what I have been told and experienced.
I have never had a fasting BG levels reading in hypo levels. And of course RH (unless T2 is in the mix) is non diabetic.
Even if you Google RH, it is food that causes the reaction. It was called post pandrial hypoglycaemia, cos of the hypo after (post) food, before getting the description of Reactive Hypoglycaemia, cos of the reaction post food.
And not being a single type of diagnosis as there are different types of hypoglycaemia.
So, if you had RH, you would not get fasting BG hypo levels, and not get hypos during the day unless you have eaten.
Unless, you are doing strenuous exercise or work. But that is not the reason for the overnight sweats and lows.
I do think that the information you gather and the information from the CGM, and understanding what is happening to you. I think you should ask for more tests.
Think I mentioned all diagnostic tests for RH eliminate other conditions until the final test is a 72 fasting test.
And only if you don't go hypo on this fast, it is RH.
Do you see what I'm saying?
I would gather so much information from reliable sources.
And keep a diary of what foods and readings you are getting.asking them for more tests. Because of the discrepancies, of the evidence from the results
I had a decade of telling doctors, that I had been misdiagnosed, you sometimes have to battle your way through it all. And it is so hard to find you are quite alone and not finding the answers from those who should know.

Is it alright if I PM you?
I live with RH and can relate to everything you state in your posts above. I believe that you may awakening with hypoglycemic episodes due to the physiologic Dawn Phenomenon. Regulatory hormones such as cortisol and growth hormone, which are needed to awaken can make your blood sugar go high overnight. Once your blood sugar spike it triggers the insulin release and then blood sugar will go low due to RH while you’re sleeping. You may awaken with the arm from the CGM, sweats, and headaches.

Try eating nuts, cheese or some type of protein with healthy fat at night before bed minimize this reaction.

When busy in the morning and not able to cook, I use Premier Protein in my coffee as breakfast on my way to work. I have found that avoids triggering reactive hypoglycemia while working.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I live with RH and can relate to everything you state in your posts above. I believe that you may awakening with hypoglycemic episodes due to the physiologic Dawn Phenomenon. Regulatory hormones such as cortisol and growth hormone, which are needed to awaken can make your blood sugar go high overnight. Once your blood sugar spike it triggers the insulin release and then blood sugar will go low due to RH while you’re sleeping. You may awaken with the arm from the CGM, sweats, and headaches.

Try eating nuts, cheese or some type of protein with healthy fat at night before bed minimize this reaction.

When busy in the morning and not able to cook, I use Premier Protein in my coffee as breakfast on my way to work. I have found that avoids triggering reactive hypoglycemia while working.
Hi, @FluffyMD ,
Welcome to our forum.
How long have you had RH?
It's always good to hear from fellow RH ers.
If possible, could you let us know how you were diagnosed?
What tests you have had?
And how you cope with it all.
For instance, are you getting regular hypos?
Again welcome.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Lamont , you are really really helpful !!
I sincerely appreciate your mentor @Brunneria !!
This forum is the only one in the world specialising Reactive Hypoglycemia!! Very supportive and knowledgeable!!
Congratulations to you and @Brunneria and thank you !!!

Without this forum, I would be still wondering why my hypo was ignored …and still suffering from hypo ..

I have been enjoying Keto diet .., but now I have another problem.., I am severely constipated ..
I tried Electrolytes, salt, potassium, magnesium, laxatives … you name it …

Lamont , how can I manage my constipation?? If you have experience.., it will be greatly appreciated, your knowledge..

Thank you very much gorgeous your knowledge and support !!!!
Hi...I also get periods of severe constipation...after much trial the following sorts me out....I get a packet of milled flax seeds, and another of milled chiaseeds, both from Aldi. I mix a dessertspoon of each into 500ml of water & drink it after an hour or two of soaking. Works really well for me.
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