Recommendations please - reliable sensor/finger prick test kit please


Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hello,I am not diabetic but I have thyroid issues and autoimmune Hashimoto's which can cause sugar disregulations and I experience times where I get hypoglycemic and find it quite frightening. I try and keep my lots of protein and good fats to keep it stable. When I feel I am having an episode what is the quickest thing I can eat/drink to alleviate the symptoms. I have tried a little orange juice but obviously don't want it to spike too much?

I just finished a 14 day freestyle trial just to see what happens which proved interesting and that my levels are good but I still feel I need to monitor my levels especially when I feel I am experiencing a hypo episode so I have evidence to take to my GP as the HbA1c blood test will show me as normal as it has in the past and won't show up hypo episodes.

Being new to all this I purchased a Gluco Navii sensor finger prick kit but upon reading reviews on Amazon it's not that accurate so I am looking for recommendations please for a good reliable one from the diabetic community please. I am in the UK


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Hi @jennie007 and welcome to the forum.

The standard for BG meters in the UK is that 95% of the time they should read no more than + - 15%.
Many people on this forum (DCUK) and on the DUK forum use the Gluco Navii or the Spirit Tee2+ which are both around the same price both for the meter and the test strips.
I have no connection with either company other than being a TEE2+ user myself and I have no evidence that one is better than the other.

Note that CGMs are less accurate than BG meters both at high and at low blood glucose levels (not sure if they are about the same accuracy as BG meters in the mid-range).


Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi @jennie007 and welcome to the forum.

The standard for BG meters in the UK is that 95% of the time they should read no more than + - 15%.
Many people on this forum (DCUK) and on the DUK forum use the Gluco Navii or the Spirit Tee2+ which are both around the same price both for the meter and the test strips.
I have no connection with either company other than being a TEE2+ user myself and I have no evidence that one is better than the other.
so the Navii seems quite a popular reliable one then


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
While there will be occasional defective meters (or test strips) with any brand, We have not noticed complaints about this particular model.
It is popular because we Type 2 diabetics in particular often use a BG meter to monitor the effect of carbohydrates in meals on our Blood Glucose - this uses up a lot of test strips at first. Thus the considerably cheaper test strips for both the Gluco Navii and the Tee2+ make them popular choices.


Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
While there will be occasional defective meters (or test strips) with any brand, We have not noticed complaints about this particular model.
It is popular because we Type 2 diabetics in particular often use a BG meter to monitor the effect of carbohydrates in meals on our Blood Glucose - this uses up a lot of test strips at first. Thus the considerably cheaper test strips for both the Gluco Navii and the Tee2+ make them popular choices.
thank you very much


Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
While there will be occasional defective meters (or test strips) with any brand, We have not noticed complaints about this particular model.
It is popular because we Type 2 diabetics in particular often use a BG meter to monitor the effect of carbohydrates in meals on our Blood Glucose - this uses up a lot of test strips at first. Thus the considerably cheaper test strips for both the Gluco Navii and the Tee2+ make them popular choices.
when I feel myself having a hypo episode, I usually have a bit of cheese or protein which settles it down but would something a little quicker like a bit of orange help along with some protein like cooked chicken (which I always have in the fridge) without spiking too much?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
I'm just a slim T2 (TOFI) in diet controlled remission, so I don't get hypo's.
I'm tagging @Lamont D because I believe that hypo treatment for Reactive Hypoglycemia is somewhat different than that done by insulin users (either those with Type 1 or with Type 2).
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