Screen time

Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Bit of a random one but does too much screen time make retinopathy worse? (Only have background retinopathy at this point but trying to do what I can to avoid it developing)

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Type 1
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Ok, I am only a sample of one but ...
I work in IT so my screen time is pretty high..I have had background retinopathy.
While continuing to work in IT and it use computers for 10 hours a day, I have reduced my hba1c and my eyes have been clear of retinopathy for the last 5 years
So, from this sample sample, I would suggest retinopathy is not made worse by screen time.


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Another sample of one, I also work in IT so look at a screen all day whilst working and I'm a PC gamer which means I then spend more time in front of a screen (yes yes yes I know, I need to go out more, nevermind)
I got background retinopathy a few decades ago and whilst it hasn't gone away it is still just background and needs no treatment or anything - ie it hasnt got any worse (noting that it was more than likely my 40 years of really bad control that caused it and means it may never clear properly for me).

So for me it doesn't seem like the (way) too much screen time has affected mine either

Nicola M

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A Third example right here, I work in IT so I'm on my screen at work for around 7 hours and then I also have a lot of screen time at home as well. I've had background retinopathy over the years but also in 2022 I was diagnosed with Maculopathy due to a large decrease in my HbA1c which as of August 2024 has now resolved. So I don't think my screen time has in any way affected my eyes, if anything during the period between 2022-2024 my eyes have gotten better.


Retired Moderator
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I've racked up many, many hours.
(All nighters, even..)
Video editing, music recording/mixing, writing composing..

Even the "odd bit" of moderation duties..

I can't attribute it all having an adverse effect with retinopathy.

Even the bout of macula oedema a few years back cleared up.
It's all thanks to stable BG management..
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I use screens alot too, not for work, just for pleasure. Like @Jaylee ”Even the "odd bit" of moderation duties..”
I have had a total of 8 eye scans in total since diagnosis and three of these showed background retinopathy in one eye (not sure if it’s always the same eye!). It comes and goes and I don’t attribute it to screen use.