So so so depressed :(:(


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Cricket, golf
Hi Jackie
Saddened to hear that you are very depressed. I'm fairly new to LADA (late onset T1 among other names) and it is depressing, there is no other way to describe it.
My depression has lifted somewhat and things are not as dark as they once were. I found that I was more angry/depressed when my BGs were higher, in the teens and low twenties. I am only 3months in on this and fell happier when my control is good, but diabetes throws curved balls at times when all the effort seems to be in vain.
Hang on in there, it does get better.

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People who moan abut being a diabetic.
Hi Jackie

I was diagnosed on my birthday as a type 1 and spent the day with a nurse learning how to inject myself,
A great way to spend the day!!
As life goes on, I promise you it gets easier to deal with and manage.
Try not to feel too down, I have managed for twenty years without major issues.

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Are there any particular aspects that get you down or that you need help with?


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Can never seem to get my bloods right for more than a couple of days was thinking a pump might help but. I know you may have to wait a while to get one . The timeing of eating is all over the place due to my work so I know that doesn't help , so really a bit stuck , take quite a few meds aswell so just combination of things really .

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Active Member
Jackie the way to get your bloods right is just to simply not eat carbs, slowly eliminate carbs from your diet, you don't need them, eat lots of protein, fats and veggies, I don't go over 50g of carbs a day. After a while its so easy, you don't crave sugars and carbs and you feel great, You will find you will not rise above 8 for most of the day. Then you can slowly adjust base insulin, to eliminate hypos. Give it a go. We don't need carbs to function.
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Jackie the way to get your bloods right is just to simply not eat carbs, slowly eliminate carbs from your diet, you don't need them, eat lots of protein, fats and veggies, I don't go over 50g of carbs a day. After a while its so easy, you don't crave sugars and carbs and you feel great, You will find you will not rise above 8 for most of the day. Then you can slowly adjust base insulin, to eliminate hypos. Give it a go. We don't need carbs to function.

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Active Member
Trust me, eating next to no carbs will greatly improve your mood. Wake up..test..6.1..big smile. Lunch, test 7.3..big smile. Before bed 9...big smile :D...You can do it :)
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Jackie the way to get your bloods right is just to simply not eat carbs, slowly eliminate carbs from your diet, you don't need them, eat lots of protein, fats and veggies, I don't go over 50g of carbs a day. After a while its so easy, you don't crave sugars and carbs and you feel great, You will find you will not rise above 8 for most of the day. Then you can slowly adjust base insulin, to eliminate hypos. Give it a go. We don't need carbs to function.

Like me, i never go above 60 carbs a day, and those 60 are composed of veg, nuts and protein, occasionally a hand full of berries. Banish all starch carbs and root veg and your life will improve, trust me. Blood 5.7 right now. Off to bed and expect to wake up no more than 6mmol

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Active Member
Like me, i never go above 60 carbs a day, and those 60 are composed of veg, nuts and protein, occasionally a hand full of berries. Banish all starch carbs and root veg and your life will improve, trust me. Blood 5.7 right now. Off to bed and expect to wake up no more than 6mmol

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Yep and the sad thing is, after 10 years of being diabetic, ive only quite recently started doing this, and its the best decision ever. The worst I ever felt was feeling like I could eat whatever I wanted and just inject for it. Having to inject upto 29iu of insulatard at night and 25 in the morning with no less than 8 novorapid shots throughout the day, just to stay the same.
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I woke up on 7.4 :) anyway Jackie, what insulin's do you take and at what dosages? what kind of readings do you get and what is a typical diet for you?


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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Big hug Jackie - I think most of us have pretty much most of us have been there at some point - there's only so much you can take and and you snap, it can be a really stressy thing to deal with when you're not feeling 100% and then when you test you're always running high.

I felt the same last year and ended up following a low carb diet - I couldn't handle my BG going up and down all the time and wildly swinging from low to high, left me drained. I now do low carb and my moods are so much better, i'm much more level headed now, can deal with most things life throws at me, I haven't given up the red wine though as that's my treat but don't miss sugar, bread, pasta or potatoes and when I last saw my diabetes consultant he signed me off for a year so have gone from having half yearly visits to one a year. It takes a while getting used to it, but now I look at carbs and think it's just not worth it, my health means more to me than that and my happiness. If I can give you any hints/tips/support let me know but remember how you are feeling is temporary, it won't last for ever but when you're strong enough try and make some changes so you don't feel like this again, good luck hun ;)


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Thanks. Juicy and kaz
I am trying the carb counting but sometimes it's hard I do love pasta and potatoes my last hb1c was 9 and that's pretty much what it usually is and had been for a while I use novo rapid and levemire but I eat at different times weekdays due to work so maybe that's why I can't get it right , I am thinking the best way maybe a pump I have done dafne so maybe it could be worth a try getting desperate to try anything xx

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I'm also a self confessed carb lover. 90% of my diet is carb lol toast pasta potatoe etc. I struggle with breakfast as all cereal spikes me so I stick to trusty toast. What's a good breakfast that's not starch carb that's good on the sugars???


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I agree. Day by day. Make it your priority, do a carb countingn course, harass your nurses. Write everything down and find the patterns. I've abused my sugars for 15 years now being young and thinking it wouldn't affect me. I had a baby 2 years ago the only time in my life i had a hba1c in the 6's. I've slipped a lot since then but I'm back on the band wagon and starting to bug my nurses about a pump it's what they're there for!! Don't do it alone. Get all the help u can get!