sore throats


Active Member
since ive had diabetes ive had nothing but sore throats and ulcers of the mouth is this normal can someone tell me pls


Well-Known Member
Lack of choice of insulin for newly diagnosed patients.
Dog owners who let their dogs poop in the street-a hazard for most, but worse if you're visually impaired!
Having RP
If your diabetes is not under control and your BG levels are running a bit high,this can cause problems. Your immunity may be lowered and may this can result in you prone more to infections,colds, ulcers and cause you to feel generally unwell.

When I've not been well controlled in past, I suffered recurrent episodes of thrush. See your GP, and ask if you can monitor your blood at home for a bit to see if high Blood Glucose is the cause.

Of course many of us on this forum believe that Type-2s SHOULD be given strips to test their BG. rather than just relying on 3-monthly or less frequent HBa1c testing.

So, yes, it could well be related to your diabetes, and if it's causing you concern you should see your GP or diabetes nurse.
