I find that I 'forget' that I have Type 2 Diabetes. I'm not mindful of it at all, mostly due to never having one symptom associated with it. Also - I find myself being resentful at having inherited the condition rather than living a lifestyle that's brought it on. So I'm like a dog with a collar that's too tight and straining to run ahead. Not sure if that helps? I tend to wait until the inevitable poor HbA1c results.....pull my socks up for three months - then get a better result.....and then lapse back - not into habits I consider bad - but back into what I consider to be a normal life with a normal diet. So it's like a never-ending rollercoaster. To combat this - I hope - I've just bought a Libre Style 2 monitor to act as a continuous reminder that I do indeed have a chronic condition, and that it needs to be managed, whether I like it or not! I also found Dr David Unwin's You Tube video an inspiration at times when I needed to kick myself up the backside now and again - https://www.google.com/search?safe=...ate=ive&vld=cid:9cd62bbb,vid:dShYGV1xM6w,st:0 The biology, science and cause/effect evidence is incontrovertible and may appeal to your husband?