I think back to my first few months on the site.
We were greeted to
@daisy1 welcome post.
It had a meet and greet and how to start low carb and dos and don'ts.
Sensible knowledge from sensible diabetics.
Much like the present lot, who have gained the knowledge from an open minded forum.
I agree with a lot of the answers given, but a big question I wanted to know as a newbie was...
If you test around meals, would there be a difference in the 2mmols rise advice for me?
As my endocrinologist and the great people here, said I must monitor my BG levels, and keep a record in a food diary, for the main reason was, we (me mainly) were on a voyage of discovery. And my results could not be perfect with the glucometer I used over a decade ago.
So, if it was inaccurate, what would be the use of a snapshot finger prick test? I asked.
It's not so much the individual meal tests, pre meal and two hours after.
It is the long term trends, as if on a graph.
If your BG levels are within that range, you also see that your fasting levels (for some) would be lowering.
The later results for the same meal would be nearer to the pre meal by a mmol or such. And if you are lucky, your hba1c on your next bloods will be lower. And you might be able to have more carbs.
Low carb (if done properly to your dietary restrictions) is known to help insulin resistance and not over producing insulin as some do. It also lowers high circulating insulin in the blood.
Somebody mentioned that there are meal and two hours were almost the same, that is because of good meal choices. I get now then, my two hours is lower than my pre meal! I know! We are all different, and our diabetes is different in how we got here.
You use the around meals tests regime, as a benchmark to how you proceed to control the condition.
It gives you the knowledge of which food(s) Is not suitable for you.
You use the trends to see if you're naughty or nice.
You can even use it to see if you can have a treat or not.
The trends of control is the important thing, and the knowledge it gives you.
Learn from it.