Travelling to the US and levimer


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Hi all,

Hope you are well. So I'm travelling to Miami soon and they're 5 hours behind me and I was wondering how to adjust my levimer for the way out when the day extends 5 hours.
Details are below:

Usual UK Levimer times 11am 18u 11pm 8u

Flight times 10am GMT arrival 3pm US time = 8pm UK time

So morning is fine take the Levimer on the flight at 11am then AT 11pm UK time = 6pm US time do I take 50% of the UK evening dose and 11pm US time take the usual 8u?

Appreciate you can't give exact numbers on dosing.


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why can't everyone get on........
if it were me making this trip i would not add insulin as you describe...this would mean that during your first night in the US you would have 4 extra units on board while sleeping ( 4u at 6pm US and 8u at 11PM US )...i would just take the 8u at 11pm US and live with the fact that shoogs might be a little higher over night the first night
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Hi @O_DP_T1,

Have done this myself many times and was using Levemir and Novorapid for 20 or so years of travel to the US)

When I did travel the medical guidance was pretty much non-existent, they either didn't know or said don't worry about it it will sort itself out.

What I found actually happens is your body sorts itself out without too much of a problem, if you inject normally when in the UK, then inject either at the right time in the US (American time) or half way between UK and US time (depending on whether you have time during the travel bits on the US side) - it all levels out without any real impact.

Second day just inject when on US time - on return to the UK, same thing

You might need to eat a bit more (or less) depending on timing but it'll all be ok

Hope you have a good trip - its honestly easier than you think it will be :)
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Must admit I just travelled to New York then Texas and when I got there and when I arrived home I didn’t allow for time difference, whenever the clock said [emoji6]am that’s when I injected and no really affect to my levels