Type 2s: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning? (very low chat level)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sugar, in all it's iterations.
That BP is low see if they will drop the dosage that's what I did when mine kept dropping .
According to the chart it's a BP that is seen ('Low Normal') in athletic types and very young men. I AM going to ask her (MD). Thanks for encouragement. I remember when I was training for my Montreal Half Marathons, my former MD told me I had the BP of a young man, I was 58, but that was sixteen years ago. I started binge eating again after that and shot up to 270lbs. I've lost 100lbs now.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
According to the chart it's a BP that is seen ('Low Normal') in athletic types and very young men. I AM going to ask her (MD). Thanks for encouragement. I remember when I was training for my Montreal Half Marathons, my former MD told me I had the BP of a young man, I was 58, but that was sixteen years ago. I started binge eating again after that and shot up to 270lbs. I've lost 100lbs now. A pedophile abducted me when I was 12 and it's played havoc with my mental health ever since.
If that was your normal BP without medication that is ok but if your meds are lowering it that much it might need tweaking . I get very dizzy when mine drops low .