Wellwellwell wots type 3diabeties never heard of it before today.ive now got type 2 had it for 4 years i think and im definately not over weight. I also have chronic pancreatitis i had that for well over 20 years got it when i was 20.docters always said it was due to alcoholism which i never believed although i did drink a little bit as i was in the army at the time.the pain ive been through with it i wouldnt wish on my worst enemy.anyway a few years ago i met for the first time some older uncles of mine who both had pancreatitis which obviously means that my problem is hereditary my sister is type 1 has been for 40 odd years .i allso have had mega heart problems ive had 5 heart attacks the 5 th put me in hospital and i would say that pancreatitis hurts more other than that i feel great and none of my ailments bother me .im supposed to take 9 creon 25000 a day i take only 3 have don for donkeys years although i dont drink alcohol anymore i will have the odd wine for my heart im allso on metformin and glycozide i will have a sugar binge at work as i use a lot of energy works great more often than not i need to eat to raise my levels as they are often low to the point im shaking slightly any enough said think i will be up for a pancreas and heart transplant in a few years hehe