Upcoming OGTT (and an idea)


Active Member
After two FBG tests, where I fasted for 12+ and posted 6.3 and 6.8 respectively, couple with spikes of 13.3 and 10.9 almost 3 hours after eating (tuna mayo on white, cortado coffee respectively), and one outstanding comedy mooment when I spaced out completely and tried to dry my hands on the soap dispenser at work, the GP is still quite insistent I'm diabetic T2, but requires me to go for an OGTT, to "get the diagnosis spot on" - her words, not mine.

Self monitoring has so far yielded interest results, correlating to phyiscal effect on highs, and when I hit a specific point on the way down where my body seems to say "***?!!?".
What sort of readings would the OGTT produce that would be accepted as being diabetic?

Secondly, my idea, slightly warped perhaps...
Once the diagnosis is properly nailed down, I want to get a T-Shirt made with this written on it:
"DIABETES - Nature's way of saying I'm sweet enough."

Anyone else fancy one?