What have you been eating today


Active Member
As i am new to diabetes i am doing researching every day about right food for diabetics type 2 but so far i am confused.
people say eat low carbs but also sugars..i trough you are not allowed to eat any sugar and i remember my father/grandmum saw it as poison...i am vegetarian but i suffer from hypoglicemia and constant hunger. today i have eaten this:

morning- white bio yoghurt with low fat and berries
break-1 nectarin
lunch- mussles with garlic and whole flaxeed bread
break- 1 2 nectarins
dinner- brown rice with tikka sauce and corn
diner 2 goat milk , a bit of spinach with cheese, few peanuts with raisins
i didnt do any exercise or work. but i felt hungry i dont know why. and in morning i felt fool of energy after long time as i didnt eat any sugar or salt but later in evening i had less and felt constantly half empty stomach.

so how was you?


Well-Known Member
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Anything healthy!
Hi, yesterday's meals were,

No breakfast

Lunch, roast chicken, roast potatoes, stuffing, few carrots, 2 sprouts nd a lil cauliflower all covered in lovely gravy. For dessert was rice pudding.

Tea, ritz crackers and Philadelphia cream cheese with a lot of cheddars.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

i low carb (30g a day) and therefore would consider lots of what you ate to be too carby:

morning- white bio yoghurt with low fat and berries (good apart from the low fat, fat satiates hunger, why eat low fat?)
break-1 nectarin (1 medium nectarine (2½ inches in diameter): 13 grams effective (net) carbohydrate plus 2 grams fiber)
break-2apple (1 medium apple (3 inches in diameter): 21 grams effective (net) carbohydrate plus 4.5 grams fiber)
lunch- mussles with garlic and whole flaxeed bread (cooked mussles (1 Cup) 6.62g carbohydrate)
break- 1 2 nectarins (as above)
dinner- brown rice with tikka sauce and corn (tikka sauce depends which you used but i searched and found 10.0grams carbohydrate for half a cup) and (½ cup canned corn kernels: 14 grams effective (net) carbohydrate plus 2 grams fiber)
diner 2 goat milk , a bit of spinach with cheese, few peanuts with raisins
(1 small box raisins (1.5 oz.): 32 grams effective (net) carbohydrate plus 2 grams fiber)
( 1 ounce of peanuts 4.5 grams carbohydrate)

i am making lots of assumptions as to the amounts etc. but you are eating way more than what i would normal eat in the way of carbs a day, im not saying your wrong or that your carbs are too high im just answering your question :)

today i havent eaten much yet so ill do yesterday

fage natural greek yogurt with blueberries and linwoods milled flax sprinkled over the top
atkins coconut bar (unusual for me but i was working in the garden all day and wanted to get finished, during the week i have a salad with some cold meat or cheese)
roast beef (loads) runner beans cabbage, cauliflower mash (no gravy, potatoes of yorkshires awwww :( )
followed by jelly and cream (yum)
evening snack 2 squares of lindt 85% chocolate
about 6 cups of green tea with lemon & lots of water in between

best regards
Andy :)

oh sorry i just remembered i also made some low carb butter cookie from a recipe i got off the net and ate a few of them, they were 1g each cookie but tasted like paper so i wont share the recipe lol


what have I been eating...? I'm not a vegetarian, so am trying to cut down on saturated fat, keep my carbs low, fibre high, less salt, more...
my fave brekkie at the mo is , probiotic yoghurt with blackberries from the garden mixed with some blueberries and raspberries, a tsp of the Linwood's flaxseed mixed in it, then 1 slice of multigrain toast with crunchy organic peanut butter, then 1/2 tsp of no added sugar (StDalfour's) jam. With a cup of tea with semi-skimmed goatmilk and half a sugar. YUM!!!

I know that 'old school' way of thinking is SUGAR=POISON, but we all know that this has been debunked, and it's carb intake we have to control, even my GP and DN said that I must have carbs at every meal, but as low GI as possible; eat regularly and keep a snack in your bag at all times in case of hypo. I have been keeping a food diary too, and this helps me monitor my daily intake in ways that have completely changed my way of thinking about my diet. I have changed my diet in so many ways lately that I thought I should see my dietician just to go through my diet with her to clarify if any areas that need addressing.

I have been trying new sources of non-meat protein, and am loving it! I was getting a little bored of tofu (actually I could eat it every day! ) but recently I have cooked with puy lentils, chana dal, brown rice (I am Chinese, so THAT was a bit of culture shock, I can tell you! :roll: ) and it's all so tasty, they keep me fuller for so much longer.
I try to get my oily fish in at least once a week- forgoing fish and chips for teriyaki marinaded salmon with an asparagus, brocc and mushroom stir fry. When I remember I chuck some Linwood's Shelled Hemp on the veggies too.


Active Member
Today I've had:

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, nectarine, black coffee (no sugar or sweetener).

Lunch: A bowl of steamed sugar-snap peas & green beans, tomato & a small portion of roast turkey breast (no skin).

About to have a nectarine as a snack. Have had a couple of bottles of water with another 3 or 4 to go.

Not decided on dinner yet. :D


Active Member
Andy- you cant count carbs if you dont know amount:) i had rice as dinner with a minimum tikka sause and only a few raisins and about 20 peanuts:)
the desert and jelly you ate was without sugar or..? and is something wrong with a fruit?

yea i am planning to show my diary to dietitian to get advice and improvement:) its a good idea


Well-Known Member
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Martina79 said:
Andy- you cant count carbs if you dont know amount:) i had rice as dinner with a minimum tikka sause and only a few raisins and about 20 peanuts:)
the desert and jelly you ate was without sugar or..? and is something wrong with a fruit?

yea i am planning to show my diary to dietitian to get advice and improvement:) its a good idea

Yup Andy will have had sugar free jelly. It's a great treat!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Did someone mention jelly ? :D

This morning I had a bacon and fried egg sandwich made with Livlife low carb bread so less than 10 grams total for the meal,for midday snack it was chorizo sausage,feta cheese,mixed olives,spring onion,cucumber and one chilled hard boiled egg,for dinner it's BBQ time! :D Lots of lamb chops,chicken and homemade burgers with a big green salad.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Martina79 said:
Andy- you cant count carbs if you dont know amount:) i had rice as dinner with a minimum tikka sause and only a few raisins and about 20 peanuts:)
the desert and jelly you ate was without sugar or..? and is something wrong with a fruit?

yea i am planning to show my diary to dietitian to get advice and improvement:) its a good idea

I could've sworn Andy's post said he was making some assumptions about what you'd eaten. Maybe I misread his post or maybe you did. :?

And if you read the jelly thread, you'd see that everyone recommends Hartley's Sugar Free Jelly. So yes, Andy's jelly would have had no sugar.

Either way, if you are a type 2 diabetic then sugar is one of your enemies as it converts to glucose in the blood so easily causing your BG levels to rise sharply. That's not what you need as a T2. As for fruit, things like bananas are considered not good for T2's as they convert rapidly into glucose thus sharply raising BG levels. Any more than a handful of grapes is likely to have a similar effect. Again though your experience may differ from the vast majority of other T2's, but that doesn't mean their advice is any less valid.

I'm relatively new on this web site, and whilst I might take some things I've read with the proverbial pinch of salt, I respect the right of others to post information based on their experience.
SPIDERS (cringe)
This is what I had yesterday
Grilled bacon, scrambled egg, grilled mushroom and half a slice of toast.

Hot chicken drumsticks without skin, rocket salad, cucumber, peppers, spring onion.

Slice of home made lasagne with a big helping of salad and a pot of sugar free jelly

For snacks I had 1 Babybel cheese and 2 Ryvita crispbreads with a cheddar cheese spread.
(I seem to have a bit of a weak spot for cheese)
All day BG never went above 7.5 :D


Hello All.

Well, i have finally joined this site, after a couple of weeks of casual perusing.
Lately my blood sugars were all over the place, and too a reading a month ago and it was 13.7!
That scared me a lot, along with my weight loss, I have now moved into eating less carbs, and watch what i eat.

I've recently started buying LivLife half carb bread only 3.8g Carb per slice Vs 12-14g of normal bread.

So most mornings & today I have a couple of slices with coffee with some butter.
I totally avoid rice, pasta, potatoes - though have a few chips now and again :lol:
Found my blood sugars have got better and in the last couple of weeks I have been hovering around 5.7 before meals.
I will get my HBA1C results next week- taken about 4 weeks ago, - wont be good as I was ignoring my diet - and what i drank !
Still will be interesting - I have been thinking of getting my Calories below 800/day and less than 70g of carbs, but I am usually struggling - just have to have more ideas for meal times.

Lunch is often a Pret Salad or one form Waitrose.

Dinner often a couple of veg with some roti - or
Salmon with green veg.

Hope to get my BG down to around 5.0 or less pre-meals

Lets hope...


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For breaky I had cooked barley with pulses split peas and tinned plum tomatoes all low carb which I make in batches and freeze delicious
For tonight's tea which is fried fish I don't eat spuds anymore because of the spike in sugar, I will have sweet potatoes turnip and one onion mashed together and fried in olive oil ,A vegetable burger .I eat this when meals of spuds are being served .I make a bowl of this and keep it in the fridge to use all week
Tomorrow for breaky I will have 2 omelettes made in my omelette maker I have just brought with 2 GG Scandinavian Crackers 2.5 carb for each cracker you can also make poached eggs in this omelette maker ,saves on the washing up
bye for now


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Prejudice and bullying
You all sound a lot more adventurous then me.

1 medium banana (Bananas don't send my Blood Glucose levels too high)
Coffee made with 1%milk and Asda sweetener

2 egg omelette with a sprinkle of cheese and diced salami
Cup of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee

Home made Beef, swede and carrot stew (I make batches and freeze in wee plastic boxes)
glass of Morrisons No Added Sugar Dandelion and Burdock

snacks - almonds and lots of water



Today, I have mostly been eating...not a huge amount..

brekky biscuits, apple and cuppa char

lunch - 1 slice multigrain toast with pb a smear of jam and half a slice of lo-fat cheese, with green tea, blackberries from garden

din-dins: brown rice and peas cooked in light veg stock, chana dal with chickpeas and spinach, small grilled pork chop (fat cut off)

snacky snacks: Nature valley granola bar, apple, handful of mixed nuts, ditto dried apricots, mmm...might have some popcorn later...

Drink@ water, green tea, chilled chinese herbal tea (stevia sweetened), cuppas,

still experimenting a lot with foods, thankfully quite confident in the kitchen, so finding new ways to create my own lo-fat and carb, high fibre diet recipes...


Well-Known Member
Thommothebear said:
Eggs and pig kidneys! I know, but I love them!

Oooo not sure how old you are so may not remember
But in my youth lol you could get a pork chop with the kidney attached mmmm happy memories ooooo I sound old lol am only 42

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