I was diagnosed in 1982 aged 7. Diabetes or 'the sugar' as it was known then wasn't well known and I was ill at home for 7 days, had been seen by two doctors and told it was a virus, drastically losing weight, sleeping, peeing constantly and very sick until a locum doctor came out and within 5 mins rang an ambulance, told my parents to get my stuff together and I'd be blue lighted to A&E. He said I was very sick, needed a drip and intensive care, and if I survived the night I'd be OK. I don't remember much after that apart from bright lights, sucking ice cubes, pipes and wires everywhere and the Green Cross Code man visiting me during the night from a bright light and set if white stairs from the sky ! Weird !! I spent 7 days in the children's ward, received no training or information that I can remember apart from how to inject an orange. I was sent home eventually, lasted 2 days and rushed back in. Luckily, and I don't know how, I made it through teenage years and finally learnt about control, insulin and looking after my levels at about age 24. I'm 50 now, luckily with no serious side effects to date and I'm very strict with my CGM insulin regime. How I'm not suffering from all the years of self abuse due to no control I do not know. I'm incredibly lucky but hope that my experience is now a thing of the past and anyone newly diagnosed gets all the help, advice and support I missed out on.