@OrsonKartt , I was just debating what my fasting number could possibly be. 7,2 on the Contour, 5.0 on the Libre. Big discrepancy, though the libre is creeping up now to 6,1.
I know that they're not quite in sync with one another, but I am beginning to wonder if all the hypo readings yesterday were actually just fives and sixes. I see (even) more finger pricks in my future to cross-check!
Off to the GP today. Not looking forward to it because my liver function test came back reasonably okay. If it'd been done a month ago it would still 've been pretty bad, but she figured it wouldn't change that much... Surprise! This patient actually makes an effort to improve things. Now a bit worried she won't believe I had pain in the liver area to begin with (no longer constant, just incidental now, so much better!). Also she wants to weigh me today and I am dreading that, even if I jump onto the scales daily at home. In front of someone else, the slight improvements I've been celebrating, seem like nothing; I'm still a blimp, after all.
Aaaanyway, hope everyone has a morning with less dread in it than I am, haha.