Wrongly diagnosed? / retest request


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes . I am 44 and about 2 - 3 stone overweight. ( 2 siblings and one parent also diabetic)
I was diagnosed early January ( last month) and it did come as a shock as I had requested a hormone/ blood test previously as I was having some menopausal symptoms.... The GP had already done a test the previous year but neglected to tell me that it did show I was going through the change.
On going back in january this year ,He decided to do another blood test to make sure as he felt I was too young...?!
Then looking back on my notes he realised that the previous years blood tests in fact showed I was going through the change. I had the bloods done again...
I was then called back in to see him the following week with the results, I was focusing on the hormone test. But he also confirmed my Hb Aic showed I had Diabetes...
I have gone through all the usual emotions of shock, denial , blame etc and he put on metformin and made an appointment for me to see the nurse etc etc
This week ( some weeks on) I have now had a letter sent to me from my surgery basically informing me that there had been an error on one of the hospital pathology equipment , meaning that it has been giving out abnormally high results??
So I have been asked to go back and have the test again...
Has anyone else had similar experiences...? I am obviously pretty annoyed and concerned although no one's fault..I am now wondering if this means I may not be diabetic as my origional reading was 6.8%. Obviously I am wondering if the metformmin is doing its job surely this will affect the new reading.?
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Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi @Tanya45 what an unfortunate story but equipment does go wrong I am afraid. How long have you been taking the metformin? if it is only a month then it may have a small reduction of your HbA1c but it will not be huge. You could ask your doctor if you should stop taking it as you may not be diabetic or see if he thinks you should wait and see.

Fingers crossed for a positive output. Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Its a little concerning to hear that the lab equipment was faulty, but I guess these things happen. I presume my readings have been accurate, certainly no one has let me know if they weren't. I read somewhere Metformin takes about 3 weeks to become effective and the average reduction in BS is 1.1%, but there are others on the forum who can confirm that. The real change in BS for most T2s comes from diet (cut the carbs), exercise and losing weight (for some). Also an HbA1c test measures (if the equipment isn't faulty) your BS over an 8 - 10 week period. If you have only taken Metformin, I don't think your new test will be too skewed.
If it turns out you are not a diabetic or perhaps are only in the pre-diabetic range taking metformin for a few weeks wont do you any harm. In fact it is being hailed by some as the new wonder drug for weight loss and protection against cancer....not that I necessary believe all of that. Obviously that is non-expert opinion, you should as the previous poster said, discuss it with your Doctor. Good luck. Even if you are a diabetic, its not the end of the world or even close. My diagnosis was one of the best things to have happened to me in years. Gave me the kick up the ass to change my diet and get off my ass :)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes . I am 44 and about 2 - 3 stone overweight. ( 2 siblings and one parent also diabetic)
I was diagnosed early January ( last month) and it did come as a shock as I had requested a hormone/ blood test previously as I was having some menopausal symptoms.... The GP had already done a test the previous year but neglected to tell me that it did show I was going through the change.
On going back in january this year ,He decided to do another blood test to make sure as he felt I was too young...?!
Then looking back on my notes he realised that the previous years blood tests in fact showed I was going through the change. I had the bloods done again...
I was then called back in to see him the following week with the results, I was focusing on the hormone test. But he also confirmed my Hb Aic showed I had Diabetes...
I have gone through all the usual emotions of shock, denial , blame etc and he put on metformin and made an appointment for me to see the nurse etc etc
This week ( some weeks on) I have now had a letter sent to me from my surgery basically informing me that there had been an error on one of the hospital pathology equipment , meaning that it has been giving out abnormally high results??
So I have been asked to go back and have the test again...
Has anyone else had similar experiences...? I am obviously pretty annoyed and concerned although no one's fault..I am now wondering if this means I may not be diabetic as my origional reading was 6.8%. Obviously I am wondering if the metformmin is doing its job surely this will affect the new reading.?

Tanya - I am a terrible pedant, so forgive me for going for the detail. You state that the equipment was found to be faulty resulting in higher results. Do you know if that means all tests read higher or if only some tests did? It may, or may not be your HbA1c at all, from what you have written.

In your shoes, I'd probably be a bit miffed and unsettled too, but I'd be crossing my fingers for the "rematch" and wait and see what that brings.

Since diagnosis, have you been self testing? If you have been self testing, you may get some clues from those scores.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi Tanya,
I was diagnosed with Type 2 about 6/7 weeks ago. I had many symptoms which I thought were menopausal but also some that didn't fit. I had bloods done and they showed I was menopausal but like you, also diabetic. My Hba1c was 70.
I cut out all obvious refined sugars immediately and looked at lowering fat intake. I have lost 16lbs and really felt better. I'm taking Metformin 500mg four times a day. I had a finger prick test the other day for the first time and showed 6.6 which someone said was good. However, I have never had my urine tested and have been told testing my blood is not necessary.
I am a bit confused sometimes but have read lots and am doing my best in my own way.
I hope you get your results sorted. Let us know.