Type 1: What are your HbA1c test results?


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7.5 or 58. Sort of a B minus. On a pump and resrict carbs. Exercise too but still not bad but not normal for a normal himan.


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My son (11 years) is now 9 months since diagnosis.We had three HbA1c tests so far.First in June and was 5.8%, second one in September and it was 5 and few days ago it was 5.2%.I am so so happy and just hope to be able to continue this way.....
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Newly diagnosed type 1.

My first reading was 122, my most recent was 43. I thought that was good but the doctor has phoned today asking to meet because I’m to low? I’m very confused.
I dropped below 4 often but the signs for me are so obvious, I know when to adjust. Maybe they are just checking that I can manage my lows? Going in to see the doc later.
I used to have (manage) regular hypos, in the belief that it helped to maintain a good HbA1c. I have always had (still have) solid awareness of low sugar - guess I'm one of the lucky ones!
However, there is a definite change in policy, advising against hypos, due to other complications associated with them.
Downside is that most recent HbA1c was 67: C-, must try harder!!


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4.8 % , used libre only last 3 months not a single finger prick!


Newly diagnosed type 1.

My first reading was 122, my most recent was 43. I thought that was good but the doctor has phoned today asking to meet because I’m to low? I’m very confused.
I dropped below 4 often but the signs for me are so obvious, I know when to adjust. Maybe they are just checking that I can manage my lows? Going in to see the doc later.
I had a similar problem the doctor rang me up at 2.0 in the morning worried about me having hypo my Hba1c was 49 however when I said I felt well he insisted that I did not know the meaning or feeling of a hypo this and still does leaves me confused


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My is 10.5% but it was taken two months ago when i was diagnosis so maybe it have soon lower now, but willl know next month.


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What does everyone consider a good HBA1C result, in percentage terms? Really interests me. We are told that anything at 7% and lower is good control, how does everyone feel about that?

Also, how long did it take you to understand and be able to achieve certain HBA1C results? Understand everyone is different, just wondering.


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Just got mine after my first full year using the freestyle libre.

Last time round not using the libre it was 58/7.5%.

This week it is 41/5.9%!!
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I've had years of a result between 7 and 7.9 (happy at low end, not at high). I've had 2 pregnancies, with results in the 5s and 6s, but also with multiple severe hypos ( mostly during day or night sleeps). I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather run my blood sugars a little higher and not have the hypos.

I'm lucky that I've been diabetic for 47 years and am basically complication free (a little retinopathy which comes and goes and no one has suggested laser treatment yet). Interestingly, my eye doctor said that it's fast changing blood sugar that causes issues, rather than higher blood sugars...?

Did I say that I HATE HYPOS? Sorry, just had to vent.


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What does everyone consider a good HBA1C result, in percentage terms? Really interests me. We are told that anything at 7% and lower is good control, how does everyone feel about that?

Also, how long did it take you to understand and be able to achieve certain HBA1C results? Understand everyone is different, just wondering.

Hey Joe,

Personally I used to feel like this target was unrealistic and not achievable but as I have previously ranted... I was stuck in a rut and couldn’t get out, with little healthcare support.

Since joining the forum and getting a Libre I can see there is hope! Not saying it is easily achievable at all but with the advice and guidance on here, every small step counts towards a HbA1c closer to the ideal.

What are your thoughts?


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Hey @tiredoftrying2017 - How are you?

I agree, it's really interesting for me, as I am newly diagnosed, well, it feels a lifetime ago now at about 10-11weeks. I have had the benefit of only spending about 2-3weeks of just finger pricking at each meal, before bed, rising etc. I am self funding the Libre and now have got the BluCon working with xDrip, as I am the type of person who drastically needs to grasp everything quickly.

I can only imagine really spending years not knowing what was going on in between meals. I take your example of eating porridge and thinking it was perfectly fine, because you were back in range by the next meal. I have seen spikes like this also. I can now see that in between meals, my insulin only really kicks in once I have been a little active and had a ~1km walk. I see the evenings, I am more resistant to insulin, and therefore require more, before teaching a gym class I get a massive rise, so need to bolus for that now.

As for achieving targets, I think i'll come close if I can keep going at the rate I am. I'm avoiding hypos a lot as well, so if I can reach 7% or lower and keeping hypos to a minimum, that's something I would be delighted with. I guess, I am feeling a lot better lately in myself, more content, less irritable and therefore it would seem, since diagnosis, although having some rough days, all in all things are better now. Hoping this can open me up to more good times.

I guess I have babbled on a bit there. I certainly feel like it's achievable now. My next step really is to start adding in a bit more variety to my food. I have been quite low carb in order to try and figure out ratios etc. Will be adding in a bit more hopefully and pre bolusing for the likes of another bowl of porridge, just to see if I can actually get somewhere....even if it means bolusing nearly an hour before hand....
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my last was 64 - my diabetic nurse says non diabetic is 45-55 and she doesn't want a type 1 below 60. so 4 more to lower by. They feel that for type 1 - with the swings which can exist below 60 gives too high a risk of hypos.

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my last was 64 - my diabetic nurse says non diabetic is 45-55 and she doesn't want a type 1 below 60. so 4 more to lower by. They feel that for type 1 - with the swings which can exist below 60 gives too high a risk of hypos.

So that's what is important to highlight. Not that getting a hba1c below 60 is bad. Because it is not. Having big swings in bg is what is bad. This blanket low hba1c is bad is a terrible message!


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Daughters T1 and has been for almost 3 years, shes now 12 (13 in Feb) and has been on an Omnipod for over a year now.
We have a CGM but she struggles with it, mostly applying the sensor so we do finger pricks.
To say the Pod has made a difference is quite an understatement, shes just so much more confident dealing with her T1 which pretty much means she stays on target more often and she deals with meal times independently.
She has now started preparing, filling and activating the pod herself.
Pod failures are rare but do happen, we just have emergency pod gear in both cars, just in case.
Highest hba1c (ignoring at diagnosis) has been 56 which was last year, she had one a month ago and pulled a 46 which is great.
Only real downside (for the parents) is we do a midnight and 3am test as its surprising what goes on with her levels at night!
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Just had my hba1c result. 41mmol.

My previous were 44mmol and 103 mmol.

Going in the right direction, Christmas may have put it up a bit as well.


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Had my hba1c test today at my checkup, 5.9% :)

I've been happily and consistently 6.2 or 6.3% for years now so it's nice to see some change. I put it down to using the libre, but do need to cut down the lows a bit!
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Well-Known Member
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Had my hba1c test today at my checkup, 5.9% :)

I've been happily and consistently 6.2 or 6.3% for years now so it's nice to see some change. I put it down to using the libre, but do need to cut down the lows a bit!

Excellent. Congratulations. I have found that using the Libre and also the Blucon with xDrip, I now very rarely go low. We will see what my results are when I have my (first post diagnosis) HBA1C Test at the end of January...no actual date set.
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7.9, just this sunday :(
Frustrating. Hope i can get back on track what with the holidays out and my ingrown toenail treated.