What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)

True Blue

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everybody. It is going to be a beautiful day.

FBG 7.3 mmo/lt at 0530. Still losing naughty holiday carbs me thinks. Anyhow my LCHF diet gives my liver something to do, seeing as it is not getting any C2H5OH at the moment (ethanol).

Weight down to 104 kg. This is another step towards possible remission.
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Well-Known Member
Rain - good for the garden, not so good for the party. Fingers crossed. Realise that I’ve forgotten to wrap OH’s present.
6.1 this morning. It’s taking a long time for me to wake up this morning but my head has already run several circuits and finished preparing everything. Now I just have to catch up.
I keep thinking about waiting 2 years for my next eye check. His positive thinking was good, but I don’t think I can wait that long. My sight is more or less what’s propelling me on this LC journey - I can’t take the chance of following Mum, my aunt and grandmother and risk losing it.
No 3 daughter is on a plane with her husband and children on a trip going back to the African country she finished school in. Friends have arranged transport and an itinerary for them. She’s very excited. At 18 we had trouble getting her to leave, but there was no way I was going to let her stay there. She cried the whole flight home- the cabin crew brought her tissues, eventually left the whole box.
It’s always a problem going to other countries with half grown daughters. They often want to stay on there. We’ve met up with daughters (nearly always the girls) of colleagues of OH who stayed on in different countries when the family left. No 2 daughter went back to Australia where she left her heart, and after 3 trips back she stayed there. A friend’s daughter stayed in Sweden, her cousin stayed in Turkey. We’ve met ‘remainers’ in Africa, Australia, UK and Jamaica. So when it came to getting No 3 to come back with us, I lied through my teeth. ;)) Told her that when we left, her visa would become invalid and she could be arrested. Mean but it worked.


Well-Known Member
Woke to 10.3 at 5 am

What to do today?
Photo more butterflies?
I seem to be having a few thousand of these 19 million migrating Painted Ladies.
There must be a sign in space pointing to my garden saying “gennepher’s butterfly garden”...

I am doing the U.K. butterfly count.
I have either to watch for 15 minutes (impossible with these numbers), or stand in front of the bush and count for 1 minute.
I chose the latter.
Still near impossible, so I am tracing my finger in the air through the bush, counting in 5’s, 5 10 15 20...until I got to 62 Painted Ladies, and then I had to remember how many and how many other different varieties of butterflies I saw. There were 3 more varieties, and they made the count to 102 butterflies in 1 minute.

But that was still only the front of the bush, not the other 3 sides or in the middle Olof the Buddleia bush. There was a heck of a lot more.

A tidy up first I think and a coffee....

Have a good day
Take care x

The thought of your butterfly garden makes me smile. The photos are fabulous- you’re a very talented photographer gennepher.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@gennepher what a very special garden you have. I've only ever seen a couple of butterflies together at any one time . Your photos have captured their beauty perfectly.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
5.8 this morning, which is a surprise as I had carbs before bed. I think today will be wine and books, maybe a bit early for the former so I shall include a walk and breakfast at the halfway point. Sounds sensible, have a jolly weekend :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Rain - good for the garden, not so good for the party. Fingers crossed. Realise that I’ve forgotten to wrap OH’s present.
6.1 this morning. It’s taking a long time for me to wake up this morning but my head has already run several circuits and finished preparing everything. Now I just have to catch up.
I keep thinking about waiting 2 years for my next eye check. His positive thinking was good, but I don’t think I can wait that long. My sight is more or less what’s propelling me on this LC journey - I can’t take the chance of following Mum, my aunt and grandmother and risk losing it.
No 3 daughter is on a plane with her husband and children on a trip going back to the African country she finished school in. Friends have arranged transport and an itinerary for them. She’s very excited. At 18 we had trouble getting her to leave, but there was no way I was going to let her stay there. She cried the whole flight home- the cabin crew brought her tissues, eventually left the whole box.
It’s always a problem going to other countries with half grown daughters. They often want to stay on there. We’ve met up with daughters (nearly always the girls) of colleagues of OH who stayed on in different countries when the family left. No 2 daughter went back to Australia where she left her heart, and after 3 trips back she stayed there. A friend’s daughter stayed in Sweden, her cousin stayed in Turkey. We’ve met ‘remainers’ in Africa, Australia, UK and Jamaica. So when it came to getting No 3 to come back with us, I lied through my teeth. ;)) Told her that when we left, her visa would become invalid and she could be arrested. Mean but it worked.

@Viv19 Hugs for the later issues in your post x

About your eyes. There is no way I could wait that two years. I just couldn't do it. That would worry me too much.
I don't know how the system works where you are, but I never accept systems here anyway.

I ask for an appointment in between times of my optician. I don't wait the specified time, if I am concerned about something. I go in and explain my concern. There are optometrists there. They are more specialised than opticians (they said they had same training as hospital eye docs to see what's wrong with your eyes, but just don't have the fancy hospital equipment).

I have done this a few times because of my recent laser treatment at the eye hospital and some other stuff. I am told by my opticians now that if I am concerned about anything over my eyes, not to wait until my normal check up, but to come in, tell the receptionist, and someone will evaluate whether I need an immediate appointment or one in a couple of days. Even if all I need is reassuring, I must still come in.

So don't accept systems. If it is possible then in a year's time ask your eye person if they can see and reassure you. Tell them any concerns you may have.

I hope this is of some help or reassurance to you.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher my mother loved butterflies and in the garden of one house she had a butterfly bush (same as buddleia I think).

I love the ones with the fearsome faces on their wings. Same purpose as the viceroy's color pattern, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6,7 for me this morning.

Have a great weekend


Ps Gardening today


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Good morning folks, 5.7 on the dice today, a Heinz score.
Final bits of pre-holiday shopping to do and lawns and hedges weather permitting, but right now her ladyship requires a cup of tea in bed.
Have a lovely day all and may any trials and tribulations you have be little ones.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Rain - good for the garden, not so good for the party. Fingers crossed. Realise that I’ve forgotten to wrap OH’s present.
6.1 this morning. It’s taking a long time for me to wake up this morning but my head has already run several circuits and finished preparing everything. Now I just have to catch up.
I keep thinking about waiting 2 years for my next eye check. His positive thinking was good, but I don’t think I can wait that long. My sight is more or less what’s propelling me on this LC journey - I can’t take the chance of following Mum, my aunt and grandmother and risk losing it.
No 3 daughter is on a plane with her husband and children on a trip going back to the African country she finished school in. Friends have arranged transport and an itinerary for them. She’s very excited. At 18 we had trouble getting her to leave, but there was no way I was going to let her stay there. She cried the whole flight home- the cabin crew brought her tissues, eventually left the whole box.
It’s always a problem going to other countries with half grown daughters. They often want to stay on there. We’ve met up with daughters (nearly always the girls) of colleagues of OH who stayed on in different countries when the family left. No 2 daughter went back to Australia where she left her heart, and after 3 trips back she stayed there. A friend’s daughter stayed in Sweden, her cousin stayed in Turkey. We’ve met ‘remainers’ in Africa, Australia, UK and Jamaica. So when it came to getting No 3 to come back with us, I lied through my teeth. ;)) Told her that when we left, her visa would become invalid and she could be arrested. Mean but it worked.

The Visa fib was completely justifiable I reckon. Have you ever admitted it to her?
Hope the rain stops and you are all able to sit out on the verandah and have a lovely birthday celebration for your OH


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning folks, 5.7 on the dice today, a Heinz score.

but right now her ladyship requires a cup of tea in bed.


Have you any Understanding of just bad YOU are making the rest of us look....?

Mate ..I hate to pull the "Bro" card.
But come on, get a grip.

Next thing you know, all OURS will want that same level of service...:woot:

Btw way ..liking the Heinz score..:D


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
6.0 today. Hoped for lower but there you are. Spent most of yesterday with eldest daughter and granddaughters and their beautiful Great Dane Melody. She has such perfect manners she puts Dennis to shame, and rather than her calm demeanour rubbing off on him like I hoped, he tries harder and harder to lead her astray by making ever more mischief.
In the evening was the village carnival, a lovely affair led by the village brass band. No mean feat as the central road climbs a very steep hill, how they managed walking up it in perfect time as well as controlling their breath to blow when most people pant with the exertion ordinarily is beyond me.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from our little house on the prairie. Mrs Miggins is still in bed practicing for team GB sleeping team.We are sat round the dining room table watching two year olds Chaos and Mayhem trying to eat an orange.

The wonder wheel of theme parks, ice creams and visiting some rhino’s issued a flat 6.0 at 0600.

A sky of optimism and adventure has been painted above but we will still carry a couple of brellies just in case the spirits of Vincent Van Gogh and Hiroshigi don’t start an argument about bridges in the rain.

Have a great day if you can, hugs for all, birthday treats if appropriate.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A pleasant 5.8 from the meter of mirth this morning.

Still feeling rough, so very unlike me, I've called in sick today.

Can't point to what 'it' is... Just not feeling myself.

My goodness @gennepher ... Your garden must be like a homing beacon... Can't believe just how many butterflies you describe..
Glorious pictures Btw.

@Bubbsie ...hahaha....the royal wave .:D
( well prince Phillips one, normally.;) )

@Viv19 .. That sounds like you've had as much traveled life..... Well jel... ( As I think some say)

And @dunelm ...."Zombies on crack, watching Peppa pig"....:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

@DJC3 great BG..and don't train out all the menace like qualities out of Dennis... Sounds like a proper dog should be.

Morning @HarrisonK , @Debandez :)

And morning, noon or night @SaskiaKC ..;):D
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