Inspiration for Dinner tonight


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Lifted a largish pork joint out of the freezer last night, and after looking for recipes im not sure, hoping this will feed 6 people of which only me a diabetic.

Has anyone any suggestions and ideas as to what i could make?



Retired Moderator
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Lifted a largish pork joint out of the freezer last night, and after looking for recipes im not sure, hoping this will feed 6 people of which only me a diabetic.

Has anyone any suggestions and ideas as to what i could make?


What would you normally do with it, and do the family have any particular expectations you have to meet?
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normally would roast in oil and serve with potatoes, vegetables, gravy etc, just wanted to do something different, no other expectations to meet.

Apple glazed pork roast


  • 2 pounds loin of pork
  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 small apple, peeled cored and sliced
what vegetables, had cauliflowerr last night, dont fancy brocolli
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normally would roast in oil and serve with potatoes, vegetables, gravy etc, just wanted to do something different, no other expectations to meet.

Apple glazed pork roast


  • 2 pounds loin of pork
  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 small apple, peeled cored and sliced
what vegetables, had cauliflowerr last night, dont fancy brocolli
Yummy. Do that ;)


Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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normally would roast in oil and serve with potatoes, vegetables, gravy etc, just wanted to do something different, no other expectations to meet.

Apple glazed pork roast


  • 2 pounds loin of pork
  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 small apple, peeled cored and sliced
what vegetables, had cauliflowerr last night, dont fancy brocolli

If you have crackling on the pork, then it has to be roast pork every time for me. We love our roast pork with crackling - probably moreso as we can't get it whit the rind on overseas.

On a broader basis, I usually go to the BBC website to their recipe area, where there are literally hundreds of options. Similarly the BBC Good Food site.
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You could try a pot roast rather than a normal roast and perhaps a wine sauce rather than ordinary gravy.


jay hay-char

Well-Known Member
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normally would roast in oil and serve with potatoes, vegetables, gravy etc, just wanted to do something different, no other expectations to meet.

Apple glazed pork roast


  • 2 pounds loin of pork
  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 small apple, peeled cored and sliced
what vegetables, had cauliflowerr last night, dont fancy brocolli
Sort of spring-like, but there's a nice Nigel Slater recipe with the pork roasted on top of lemons and new potatoes, which is here: could you add things like carrots and/or celeriac to the new spuds, for you?

I always love braised red cabbage with roast pork but haven't tried it since I was diagnosed: I'd have to find an acceptable alternative for the dark brown sugar that I always used to add, and I'm not sure an artificial sweetener will do it for me :(


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Mmmm braised red cabbage. With cider vinegar, xylitol/erythritol, cinnamon, cloves and a knob (ok a wodge) of butter.

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I would have roasted the pork.
Then serve with a home made onion sauce.
or put some sage and onion stuffing into your gravy. Just a little, don't over do it.
Pork with mustard glaze
Herbie roast potatoes. Par boil your potatoes. Rough them up a bit in the pan, then drizzle in oil with italian herbs, roast in the oven.
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I would have roasted the pork.
Then serve with a home made onion sauce.
or put some sage and onion stuffing into your gravy. Just a little, don't over do it.
Pork with mustard glaze
Herbie roast potatoes. Par boil your potatoes. Rough them up a bit in the pan, then drizzle in oil with italian herbs, roast in the oven.
Another yummy. :rolleyes:
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We are having Cauliflower cheese for tea. Using Aldi bacon and cheese sauce. Par steamed cauli, Bacon and mushrooms fried in a pan. Then it's all mixed together and covered in sauce to bake in the oven. Very tasty and loads of fibre. If you know what I mean lol
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We are having Cauliflower cheese for tea. Using Aldi bacon and cheese sauce. Par steamed cauli, Bacon and mushrooms fried in a pan. Then it's all mixed together and covered in sauce to bake in the oven. Very tasty and loads of fibre. If you know what I mean lol
Great. I will bring the wine. :). Just had a salad. Stuffed ourselves silly all weekend away. So now back to reality. Surprisingly bg behaved it self...:cool:
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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
normally would roast in oil and serve with potatoes, vegetables, gravy etc, just wanted to do something different, no other expectations to meet.

Apple glazed pork roast


  • 2 pounds loin of pork
  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 small apple, peeled cored and sliced
what vegetables, had cauliflowerr last night, dont fancy brocolli
Carrot and swede mash, green beans, cabbage and leeks mixed. The list is endless! Hope you're having crackling!
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jay hay-char

Well-Known Member
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Sorry to go off topic but it's been prompted by all this discussion about Sunday dinners.

We've just had roast ham, with roast spuds (or spud, singular, in my case :(), green beans, sugar snaps and boiled carrots tossed in butter and cumin (fab, if you've never tried it). We also had parsley sauce. Now as you will know, to make parsley sauce you prepare a classic roux with butter and flour, then stir in milk, bring to the boil and simmer, adding chopped parsley at the last minute. Anybody got any suggestions for an alternative method of thickening the sauce that doesn't involve flour? Would it work with ground almonds? Can you do something with egg yolk? All suggestions welcomed.


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When I had my bloods done I was told I had a fatty liver. I had to stop drinking for 3 months. Which I have done. 9 weeks down. 3 weeks to go. I tried one of those alcohol free beers yesterday. It was disgusting. I don't really miss the lager. But at times it would be nice to have the odd one when people are round.