"Best" things doctors have said to you


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Cold weather, traffic fumes
I went for my DECs eye screen, my first since getting diagnosed in May. The nurse, proudly wearing a diabetes specialist nurse badge, exclaimed - 'how can you have diabetes, you are young and slim!'. I am assuming she didn't specialise in type 1 diabetes...
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hate the doctor's surgery. The Doctor is okay though.
Doc: 'I see you have lost a lot of weight since your last appointment.'
Me: 'That's right Doctor. You told me I needed to.'
Doc: 'You followed our diet plan then?'
Me: 'You told me to just eat the right foods, so that's what I did.'

In truth, the advice given me was 'conventional-wisdom.' I tried it, but it didn't work, so I went back to LCHF. I don't think the Doc would be impressed, but to be fair, they must be seen to be following the guidelines I suppose.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I had my yearly check last week and was told that my insulin control is too tight and that I need to relax my control
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
As a pre diabetic:-

Dr:- The only thing stopping you becoming a diabetic is your diet, You will become a diabetic.

Said in such a way, that I felt guilty, that I hadn't already crossed the line, No doubt he meant this as a compliment, but did he have to say it, in such a way, that I felt guilty. Oh well, I became a diabetic type 2 eventually, so the medics could claim extra cash. Hope he was pleased. I control my diabetes type 2 with diet only. With help from the diabetes type 2 testing programme.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not me but my Uncle who's a Type One, Diagnosed at 13, now 62.- At diagnosis after being admitted to hospital with DKA, being told by some bright spark he'd be lucky to live to 40!
Diagnosed type 1 at 13
Told by the diabetic expert at that time that I had plenty of time, as there will be a cure within 10 years and my life expectancy is two thirds of normal.
For years paying into a pension looked like a mugs game
Luckily In my thirtys I joined a company that had a non contributory pension scheme.
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Deleted member 133560

I am Type 2 on Insulin and have become unaware of my hypos in recent months. I had taken a logbook of my readings to the GPs and after looking at it he said "what do you think you should do about it" I responded "I was hoping you would tell me that and I just wanted you to confirm what I have been doing was was OK".
He looked suitably embarrassed when I said "I am going to gradually decrease my basal insulin about 2 units twice a day" response was "why not try 8 units". I just said thank you and walked out. Told the DSN she shook her head in despair.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
About 10 years ago was admitted to a private hospital in the Middle East and was seen by the endocrinologist consultant who told me that if I was taking less than 40 units of insulin a day I didn't need to take it anymore!!!!!! Luckily I had been a T1 for 30 years so knew better. God help any newly diagnosed T1s he treated. Frightening
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Curry. Rude people.
Last winter I suffered 3 lots of flu, despite having the flu jab. I am asthmatic as well as diabetic. When I am well I am fit and cycle lots. My asthma was getting chronic so phoned up for an emergency appt. with a doctor. I had to (very slowly) walk up stairs to her room. Why are you here? My asthma is bad.
Why didn't you phone up 111? Why do all ill people come to see me?
You've put on weight! (
I hadn't) Why aren't you cycling?:confused::rolleyes::banghead:
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Deleted member 133560

Last winter I suffered 3 lots of flu, despite having the flu jab. I am asthmatic as well as diabetic. When I am well I am fit and cycle lots. My asthma was getting chronic so phoned up for an emergency appt. with a doctor. I had to (very slowly) walk up stairs to her room. Why are you here? My asthma is bad.
Why didn't you phone up 111? Why do all ill people come to see me?
You've put on weight! (
I hadn't) Why aren't you cycling?:confused::rolleyes::banghead:
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Well-Known Member
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Treatment type
Me: I like to keep a record of my blood tests, can you do me a print-out?
DN: We're not allowed to. Just think of the cost of all that paper if everybody asked?
Me: What about I buy you a ream?
DN: Ha ha. Bye....
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Just after Type2 diagnosis, I was sent to a "specialist Diabetes" clinic on nutrition, in London where I now live. They had a table full of food. But it was all made of rubber. She pointed to a huge plate of rubber chips and said "How often do you eat a large portion of chips like this?". I explained I stuck to low-carb foods, and never eat chips.
Noticing my slightly Northern accent, she said "But you must do, your from the North"!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
@KarenAdamson Lucky you had been a diabetic for that long (I have been for 2tyrs) luckily you knew they were talking rubbish.

Dread to imagine how many people ended up seriously ill being told the same thing.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
The worst I ever had was a gp telling me I wasnt diabetic. When I asked her why I wasnt diabetic, she laughed in my face!

Sad to say I have since found out she is the 'specialist' at my surgery now.

The nurse at the surgery has the habit of asking me whats happening,, telling me what I am meant to be doing then asking me what I will actually do.

I actually LOVE the fact that she asks my opinion as she knows it will differ from the guidelines. Having a student in with her not too long ago she didnt even introduce me by name, I was the diabetes specialist lol


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
When I had a meeting with an obstetrician at around 16 weeks pregnant she told me I had to do a glucose tolerance test even though she knew I was type 1!? I refused obviously and to,d her I already knew I did not 'tolerate' glucose!
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Nothing like any of these but does anyone else hate how some doctors like to use diabetes as an explanation for any and every symptom?

I had a sore foot which I know for a fact was from a long run I did in poor fitting trainers. Had some pain along my foot that wasn't going away. As soon as she had read my notes the GP straight away said it was "due to your diabetes" and lectured me about how "having diabetes means you are going to get pains like this, it is normal, your nerves in your feet will be all messed up". It was a straightforward running injury, no question, and all I wanted was to get my private referral form signed for some phyiso. She signed it but I could have done without the false diagnosis about how type 1 will lead to aches and pains that I just need to live with.
Yes, I was involved in a motorcycle accident a few months ago in which my left foot was badly crushed, especially the toes, two of which were broken. I was (and am) suffering strange nerve sensations in my foot, as if my toes had been dipped in cold water. I was told that it was "diabetic neuropathy" despite the fact that I had never experienced it before the accident and my right foot was perfectly normal!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying over these. This stuff drives me nuts, too. I have three instances:
  • Me: I'm getting a cold.
    Dr: Oh, take horehound and honey. Always helps me!
    Me: Are you diabetic?
    Dr: No, are you?
  • Me (at the tender age of 15): I'm concerned about my weight. I think I need to see the dietitian.
    Dr: Well, you could always take up smoking...
    (Just as a side note, I did take up smoking and didn't lose a pound. When I told the doctor, he asked me why I took up smoking!)
  • I'm in the emergency room due to a hypoglycemic incident. Two nurses and two doctors come in. One doctor takes my hand; the others all look sad and sympathetic.
    Me: What's going on?
    Dr: Well, I don't know how to tell you this.
    Me: Oh God...
    Dr: Have you ever been tested for diabetes?
    Me: Oh dear God!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
If anyone is ever told by a doctor "it's your diabetes" just put on a very blank expression and say oh I've never heard of that before is it in the medical dictionary?
Result = a very red faced medic :)
I once had a very nasty test technician/doctor tell me the reason I had pain in my hands along with swelling was because of my diabetes. I told him I knew LOTS of diabetics and they didn't have this problem - because they didn't type on the !@#$ computer all day with a poor ergonomic set up. He said all my problems were because of my diabetes - including my anger.
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