Recent Content by annamillhouse

  1. annamillhouse

    Snack for exercise that wont make me feel sick during?

    I've posted before about exercise... it's something I do find tricky to manage! With a pump I've got to a stage where I can just about keep BG levels steady and around 6-7mmol during intense exercise (though it shoots up afterwards quite drastically!), BUT to achieve that I drink juice during...
  2. annamillhouse

    Morning highs / dawn phenomenon?

    Long term reply to my own post for last year... with some new observations, for anyone else out there experiencing the same thing! 1. Taking the levemir just an hour earlier in the morning has helped, whilst keeping the evening dose at the same time (09.00 and 22.00) 2. Breakfast is essential...
  3. annamillhouse

    Why do blood sugar levels rise after some sport?

    Hi - I have some questions / observations round this too... what you're saying about the aerobic/anaerobic threshold is really interesting, but though I have experienced recent highs after intense exercise, my blood sugar drops very dramatically during the actual duration of the exercise. So...
  4. annamillhouse

    Funniest thing you've done while having a hypo...

    Thanks everyone for sharing your funny / weird stories! I haven't really done anything hilarious, just some embarrassing situations (not fully dressed!) and scary for the people trying to sort me out... But i got to thinking that it's also weird how hypos affect you differently over the...
  5. annamillhouse

    Employers risk assessments for pregnant diabetics

    Thanks people for your replies! Much appreciated.... Just to point out I've not actually reached the point of getting pregnant just yet, but hopefully this will happen soon, I just want to be super aware of the pitfalls and prepared for what's to come! Best wishes Anna
  6. annamillhouse

    Employers risk assessments for pregnant diabetics

    Hi I wondered whether anyone had any experiences of how employers deal with pregnancy in diabetic women? I understand that a risk assessment has to be carried out for all mums to be, but what impact does diabetes have on this, and what recommendations might be made? The reason for the...
  7. annamillhouse

    Morning highs / dawn phenomenon?

    Thanks everyone - sorry for not posting back sooner, had a really hectic weekend looking after my friends children! But these are really helpful suggestions which I'll work through one by one... Nice to know that the pump in the long run might adjust the situation, but I've not idea what the...
  8. annamillhouse

    Morning highs / dawn phenomenon?

    There's quote a few posts about the comparative benefits of Levimir and Lantus, the effects of dose splitting and timings etc, but I can't quite find an answer to my specific problem - wondered if anyone could offer any advise?! I'm T1, have been for 27 years. I take Levimir and Humalog, and...
  9. annamillhouse

    Am I taking on too much?

    Do it! Book that time off! 2 quotes that I try to remember when everything else seems to be taking priority over "me time': 1. this is not a rehearsal 2. no one ever said on their death bed "i wish i'd spent more time at work" Ax
  10. annamillhouse

    Am I taking on too much?

    Thanks everyone for your replies! I really appreciate hearing about other people's situations and experiences, whether good or bad, as it helps you feel less alone in dealing with the day to day ups and downs of diabetic life! People's situations, and ability to deal with things all vary of...
  11. annamillhouse

    Am I taking on too much?

    I'd be really grateful for people's thoughts on this... I don't get a chance to talk to other diabetics much, so I'm not sure whether how I lead my life is normal or just excessive! I'm a T1 diabetic, and have been for 26 years (I'm 33), with relatively OK control now (HBA1C = 6.5), but it's...
  12. annamillhouse

    I need to get some control

    Hi... If you can get yourself on to a course like DAFNE or GATTO (at St Thomas in London) where they teach you how to work out what insulin to take with what food suddenly so much stuff will make sense... I used to think I was going crazy trying to keep blood sugars under control, and was...