Recent Content by EileenWagner

  1. EileenWagner

    Never had a hypo...

    Over the last 10 months I've been losing weight without even trying. I went off of a medication that was apparently keeping the extra weight I had on, and the weight just started falling off of me. I was trying to adjust my insulin accordingly, but we were also in the middle of moving to a new...
  2. EileenWagner

    Type 1s: What stupid things have people said to you?

    My grandmother had 3 siblings with diabetes (I'm not sure what type though. Type 2 I believe). Both of her brothers had their legs amputated and one was partially blind. As soon as I was diagnosed, she started cutting out every article from the newspaper concerning amputations and blindness. She...
  3. EileenWagner

    Type 1s: What stupid things have people said to you?

    After my diagnosis (age 10) my mom tried really hard to help me out. She changed the way she cooked (healthier, less fat, more veggies), and did everything she was told, by the book. She was told I had to avoid quick lows/highs. So one day I have an extreme hypo, and I go into panic mode trying...
  4. EileenWagner

    Type 1s: What stupid things have people said to you?

    I've had people say, "Well then it must be okay for you to have the needles, because you're used to it." My usual response is, "Being used to something and liking it is 2 different things. It's not like I enjoy pain."
  5. EileenWagner

    Type 1s: What stupid things have people said to you?

    When I was diagnosed at age 10, my grandfather went around telling everyone it was because of all the candy my mom gave me. She was soooo mad!!! We never ever got candy as kids! If we wanted a chocolate bar, we got chocolate Halvah instead. You want a caramel? Here's a fig! I got to take...
  6. EileenWagner

    Type 1s: What stupid things have people said to you?

    Yeah I've had more than a few people say, "Well, at least it's only diabetes, and not cancer!" Well geez then, I'm so awfully greatful to have diabetes?? Smh!
  7. EileenWagner

    Type 1s: What stupid things have people said to you?

    The doctor I had when I was diagnosed at age 10, told me when I was only 13 years old, "Diabetics shouldn't have children, because it just makes more diabetics in the world and it's just a waste of taxpayers' money. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you never have kids." He...
  8. EileenWagner

    Type 1s: What stupid things have people said to you?

    That just makes me angry when people do that. Like they have any decision about what I put in my own body. I was diagnosed at age 10, and when I was about 11 one of my dad's "friends" came over. My mom had bought donuts and put them out on a serving plate. He picked up the plate, came over to...
  9. EileenWagner

    Type 1s: What stupid things have people said to you?

    I gained some weight awhile back, and any time I told a medical professional I had diabetes, they assumed it was type 2 because of being overweight. I had to get something at one point (I can't remember what it was) at a pharmacy when I was on vacation, and when I said I was type 1, the...
  10. EileenWagner

    Type 1s: What stupid things have people said to you?

    I think the worst I've had is when a relative I hadn't seen in awhile said to me, "So, do you still have diabetes?" I wasn't in a great mood at the time so that just got on my last nerve. So my sarcastic reply was, "Why, did you hear of a cure I haven't? Because otherwise, diabetes is an...
  11. EileenWagner

    Never had a hypo...

    I used to notice my hypos at about 4.0, but when I started using Novirapid I started not noticing until I was in the 2's. The information leaflet in the box says that over time it may cause you to become unaware of a hypo until it is much lower. I indeed find this is the case for me. My meter...
  12. EileenWagner

    How often are you high?

    Hi Sophielouise You're getting a lot of great advice, so I'll only add a couple things to try. First, Mrsass mentioned that your food digests at different rates on different days. I find that drives me nuts, too! I can do the exact same thing 2 days in a row, and get 2 different results. It's...