Recent Content by emmatree

  1. E


    I think it's easy to panic when we are told we must look after our feet, but I would think the advice I've read before, which is to keep the wound clean and use some antiseptic cream would be sufficient. I assume if you suffer from neuropathy and loss of feeling there is much more to be careful...
  2. E

    5 Stone Weight Loss

    What a wonderful amazing and inspirational story."Well done" does not do you justice, but thanks for sharing.
  3. E

    having a baby

    I would recommend having a chat with your GP or DSN about this. When we were toying with the idea of a second baby, my GP referred me to the diabetic consultant in the gynae dept at the local hospital. It was enormously useful, she gave me all the possible scenarios, medications, complications...
  4. E

    Diabetes run in families

    Having a father, aunt and grandparent with Type 2, my GP said the same thing- Not if, but when! He was right.
  5. E

    Tips we use to help us manage our diabetes.

    Wow you guys are brilliant, loving these tips! Makes me thinks about tightening my own rules now I'm two months into my new regime. I too: Test before bed and test on waking Plan, plan, plan those meals, always cook from scratch Wear slippers for the first time in my life (I used to...
  6. E

    HBA1C result

    Very well done, that's very impressive. Congrats on the hard work!
  7. E

    Champagne and cocktails

    Hello all, Now I have your attention.... Have been low carbing and successfully reducing blood sugar readings for last seven weeks and my diet has been quite strict and I haven't had a drink and it isn't something I am normally bothered about... But I have a significant birthday celebration...
  8. E

    What's your weight loss today/this week?

    Hiya all, Can I join in? I have lost 16lbs in 7 weeks, 2lb this week, on general low carb, high protein diet.Would love to loose it quicker but this is good too, as I am very much treating it as new way of eating rather than a "diet" and the original purpose was to lower blood sugar which has...
  9. E

    New kid on the block - needs a little help.

    Hello Graham Welcome, you have come to the right place here! I am 7 weeks in to a low carb eating regime inspired by what I read and learnt on here and it has done me, my blood sugar levels and my weight a world of good. Good luck!
  10. E buy or not to buy????????

    I love this one, as an chocoholic, and an ex big milk chocolate fan, this is the nicest by far I think, and would agree with an earlier post, I can have a chunk of this in moderation once or twice a week to satisfy a craving without a big impact on the BS.
  11. E

    Swimming in porridge

    Thanks, may have to give it a try!
  12. E

    Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

    Re: Type 2's : What was your fasting blood glucose in a morn Obviously everyone is different but the DP is certainly happening to me, for example my reading on rising this morning, literally 5 mins after getting up, was 5.9. An hour later before my breakfast it was 7.3. So my BS is rising by...
  13. E

    Swimming in porridge

    And how did the almond porridge taste?
  14. E

    Cheeseburger pie

    Mmmmm... these all sound lovely! Just adding the salmon and courgettes, and the sausage muffin ingredients to this weeks shopping list.. I bet the muffins would work quite well with smoked bacon instead of sausages too.
  15. E

    Eat to your meter and Controlled Carb Regimes

    Fascinating and informative thread this, have been reading this for days and thought as a relative newbie, I would add my thoughts... Although I am only 4 weeks into my new low carb eating regime, I have been T2 for about 4 years, and had never heard the phrase "eat to your meter" before...