Recent Content by Emzie-Bub-xo

  1. E


    Try here, I found a converter :) I also work in the old values of %, rather than the new way...they changed it in June of last year! Try the link below, hope it helps!
  2. E

    Type 1: What are your HbA1c test results?

    Just had my HBA1c results and it was 7.7!! I'm so impressed coz last time it was 10! Mind you I was in hospital alot for first 8 weeks of the year! Lol next 1 will tell me for sure how good my control is on my own :) my HBA1c has NEVER been a 7!!
  3. E

    In desperate need of help...and sleep!! :(

    Thanks every1 sorry for my delay in replying but any advice helps :) and yes I'm taking Atorvastatin and have been for a cud just be that I've been lazy and my legs can't handle all the new pressure! Lol x
  4. E

    In desperate need of help...and sleep!! :(

    I've tried deep heat and no effect...I could try cooling spray but my legs and feet are always cold! Won't it make them feel colder? :/ it's now gone down to my ankles and I was practicing ballet when I got outta bed this morning! (aka couldnt put my feet to the floor!) ahhhhh it's just soooo...
  5. E

    In desperate need of help...and sleep!! :(

    Also tried warm baths to try and soothe the pain but it lasts for about 10 minutes and the pains straight back... :/
  6. E

    In desperate need of help...and sleep!! :(

    Hiya guys, I had to post here, even if it is 4am...I have this muffling problem - I walked a short distance (about a mile) to my new workplace - just got a new job yay!) and back again on Monday and Wednesday this week and my legs have been aching since then!! There is literally NOTHING I can do...
  7. E

    I'm bacccckkkkkkk!! :)

    I know but it's caused me sooooo much trouble in last few years and after 4 hospital stays since new year they FINALLY run more tests after previously telling me it's DKA! So glad I finally proved the docs wrong haha!
  8. E


    Ok so I've just been diagnosed with gastroparesis and I know what it is and everything I was just looking for advice info that any of you lovelies might have :) I've been diabetic for 13 years and consultant told me it was "common" in people of my age and length of time I've been t1, I dont want...
  9. E

    DAFNE course

    DAFNE changed my life for the better!! I'd put it off for years an years as I was in denial that I even had diabetes but omg if you told me years ago that I could change my life in 5 days I'd have told you you were crazy! But no it's completely changed my life, and just meeting other type 1s...
  10. E

    I'm bacccckkkkkkk!! :)

    Hi all just wanted too wish everyone a rather late Happy New Year and Happy Valentines Day! I bet right now it thinking ok what's she on? Lol but I'm not on anything guys! Lol just I've had well not a very good start too 2012, but I'm happy coz I FINALLY have a diagnosis for the crazy number of...
  11. E

    No family history of t1...

    Hi all just wanted to share my experience of having t1 without any known family history of it, and if anyone else has similar experiences... I was quite a healthy child, apart from having constant ear infections, I was always underweight/normal weight, and wasn't a sweet binger...the only other...
  12. E

    Weird...or normal??

    Thanks daisy i will definitely try that and report back to let you know how i get on :) thanks lots x
  13. E

    Weird...or normal??

    Not really no...sometimes it happena middle of the day, before or after eating...mainly when im not doing anything though... Its been happening for a while but thought it might be something to do with the diabetes...confused really lol
  14. E

    Weird...or normal??

    Hi guys sorry to post so late but Ive just ha an "experience" and was curious about it... Here goes... So im lying in bed, minding my own business, you know watching tv and chilling...when i suddenly get the feeling like Im on a rollercoaster, you know like an adrenaline rush...check my sugar...
  15. E

    injecting in a public place

    Hi all, i have had a similar incident in a restaurant recently, where a waiter saw me injecting and actually asked me to leave for using "drugs" at the table! I calmly explained i was t1, they quickly apologised but i left anyway, disgusted by their ignorance! Diabetes awarrness has definitely...