Recent Content by Helendogs

  1. H

    Newly diagnosed 3 year old with diabetes type 1

    Hi I was diagnosed as a very young child and had lots of problems and my parents were told repeatedly I wouldn't make several child ages, but am now in my late 50s. I find Dexcom often needs calibrating for the 1st few hours, a low change often works quickly but a large difference usually...
  2. H

    Severe Hypo Prevention

    Hi I had the same problem and am on Dexcom which gives me sufficient warning to treat low blood sugar level. I tried Libre but it kept falling off my arm after a few hrs or a couple of days, so not practical (I do have small thin arms though.
  3. H

    What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)

    I was 7.5 this morning, but 5.6 yesterday morning though as yesterday I went below 3 on 6 occasions, I'm happy with 7.5. NB Am supposed to keep between 7 & 10 rather than 5&7 as I had frequent hypos.
  4. H

    Low blood sugars

    Hi I wish my Hba1c was that low as mine is 73 at present & for me that's considered good. However I also go go 2.2 & lower (meter doesn't go any lower - it just says urgent low!) several times a week & occasionally a few times a day (had poor ambulance people out twice within an hr once!). I...
  5. H

    Opt for Diabetic Choices on Tesco groceries?

    Yes I agree Apart from my large order for vegetables, etc, I always order Coca Cola, original Lucozade (mixed with coke it works quicker), Jelly babies and jam ring biscuits!