Recent Content by markb23

  1. M

    Type 1 Binge eating disorder

    Hiya I understand exactly what you are going through, I have had binge eating disorder for many years and find it really hard with the diabetes, like you I can go weeks being really good but then it goes down hill really bad. I hope you get the support you need.
  2. M

    Normal BG but high HBA1C after necrosis

    Thank you for your reply, I will start my metering and food diary tomorrow and hopefully learn a bit more then.
  3. M

    Type 2 Normal BG but high HBA1C

    Hi my fasting BG was 5.5 this time and 5.6 last time it was tested.
  4. M

    Normal BG but high HBA1C after necrosis

    Thanks, I will buy a glucose meter tomorrow and will keep a food diary.
  5. M

    Normal BG but high HBA1C after necrosis

    Thanks for reply, they did say I was at high risk of diabetes and I have a hospital follow up in Sep although they seem more concerned about the enzyme function for the food and leaving the diabetes for the GP. I have not had a cpeptide test, I will ask for one when I see GP next week.
  6. M

    Normal BG but high HBA1C after necrosis

    Hi, although half my pancreas has died i can still eat food fine without adding enzymes, but since I had my Hba1c done in march and it was 43 I have gone on to low carb diet, lost weight and walked my **** off to get healthy, but that seems to have made things worse lol.
  7. M

    Normal BG but high HBA1C after necrosis

    Hi, I am new to the group and looking for some advice if possible, I had severe pancreatitis last year with 50% necrosis. I had my Hba1c tested in Feb and it was 43 but fasting glucose came back normal. I have just had them retested and again fasting glucose normal but now Hba1c 48. Also I was...
  8. M

    Type 2 Normal BG but high HBA1C

    Hi, I am new to the group and looking for some advice if possible, I had severe pancreatitis last year with 50% necrosis. I had my Hba1c tested in Feb and it was 43 but fasting glucose came back normal. I have just had them retested and again fasting glucose normal but now Hba1c 48. Also I was...