Recent Content by Mastermind

  1. M

    Very low Hypo

    :( Due to a serious error in calculating my insulin dose (type2 diabetic) I got a bad hypo of 1.9mmo/L. Although I suffered minor problems (fortunately) it prompts me to ask how low would it have to be to cause serious problems, and why was I so lucky? :( :(
  2. M

    Insulin overdose

    Thanks both for the enlightenment. I just assumed that a diabetic ONLY required a dose if they'd eaten.
  3. M

    Insulin overdose

    On a simular subject we KEEP seeing on TV programs like Casualty and Heartbeat that there is a hunt for a missing diabetic because "if she/he doesn't get her fix of insulin she/he will die" Surely if he/she doesn't eat during that period, there will be no need to take insulin. As I am a type2...
  4. M


    Thanks to both wiflib and jopar :D My insulin is NovoRapid 1x per day and lantus (Glargin) before bed. My diabetic team say to me quote" take sandwiches with you and eat regularly that way". I'm afraid that they live in a different world to me. If I took their advice I'd have to stop my bus...
  5. M


    :( I am a type 2 diabetic diagnosed in 1986. Initially I was on diet and metformin. Myy occupation was a London bus driver for 25 years, up to 1999 when I had an MI. I was then put on insulin and metformin, and was medically retired. I had a triple bypass in 2002 However, I am not having...