Recent Content by nicolan6534

  1. nicolan6534

    Ratio advice

    Hale710 I feel your pain! After 20 years of T1 I seem to have become really sensitive to insulin. Fasting, Carb Free meals & 3am tests are driving me nuts! Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  2. nicolan6534

    A&E or Walk in Centre

    Hi, I went to A&E for sciatic pain, which I later found out was due to a slipped disc. A&E just patched me up with diazepam & Oramorph & sent me home. I would go back to your GP & tell them you want to be referred for an MRI scan. Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  3. nicolan6534

    steroid induced higher fasting bloods.and porridge for supper

    I had a cortisone steroid injection & my BG levels shot up, i was above 20 everyday & the usual correction doses had little or no effect. It took 2-3 week for things to settle down for me. Hope things improve soon x Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  4. nicolan6534

    Mini Insulin Pens

    Brilliant idea. I can never use a small evening bag when I have a night out as I can't get my pen in it! Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  5. nicolan6534

    Insulcheck timer

    My colleague is on lantus uses the echo (she told me about the pen, although I use it with levemir).
  6. nicolan6534

    Insulcheck timer

    I had a problem with the timer coming loose, although I had dropped my pen a couple of times! Novopen Echo has a built in timer for lantus & Levemir. Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  7. nicolan6534


    Ahhhhh 3am hypo ...don't you just hate them! Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  8. nicolan6534

    Hypo hunger

    Does anyone have tips on controlling hunger brought on by a hypo? I normally have 3 jelly babies & then a small amount of carbs which generally does the trick however recently when I've had a hypo I've eaten everything in sight. Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  9. nicolan6534

    holiday to turkey advice please

    Cabin crew will be able to give you exact carb content of inflight meal if you ask them. I've found cheapest insurance is taking a bundled package linked to my bank account. Have a fab hol Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  10. nicolan6534

    Lancing device?

    I third that! Accu chek mobile has the best finger pricier I've used Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  11. nicolan6534

    Cheese & BG levels

    Does eating cheese affect anyone's levels? I'm T1 & had 3 unexplained highs & the only thing I'd eaten was cheese! Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  12. nicolan6534

    Levemir - Once or twice a day?

    Hi I split my Levemir into 2 doses, taking just over half on a morning and the rest on an evening. I've found this to be more beneficial than 1 dose. Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  13. nicolan6534

    That's it!

    Donna I'm with you...I've just polished off the left over sweets that I got in for the 'trick or treaters'. The sweets have been calling my name all day [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES] On the plus side I now know there are 12g of carbs in a Chupa Chup!! Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  14. nicolan6534

    too little carbs for too much insulin

    Thanks mentat - I think I'll discuss a pump at my next appointment. I've never been keen on the idea of a pump but the more I read on this forum, the more I think it would help. Though it sounds like a struggle to get one! Sent from the Diabetes Forum App
  15. nicolan6534

    Getting told off

    I sometimes 'prick n lick' (haha) but I also use sterets - small skin cleansing swobs. Much more convenient than having to wash hands. They're about £4 for 100 from amazon. Sent from the Diabetes Forum App