Recent Content by richieh

  1. R

    Food BG peaks

    1st thing... don't worry... 1 or 2 hours at nine is hardly that bad... most non-diabetics have a similar pattern, there's just doesn't last that long as there body reacts more quickly. What are your fasting reading like? It could be your carb ratio is compensating for a short fall in you...
  2. R

    Test Strips withdrawn

    Hi guys, Not sure if this has already been said but this isn't just the GP's choice. This coming from teh top now... some jumped up MP has type 2 and doesn't need to test regualrly so was seeking to reduce the bill by stopping T2 getting strips. I agree with the comments listed, firstly...
  3. R

    The "winter" phenomenon

    Defiantely, I tend to require an additional 1-2 units on Levamir at both ends of the spectrum. It used to be like clockwork for me, Early October I'd go into the 20's and March I'd have overnight hypos. Not sure if this relates to the fact people are less active when it gets cold take the car...
  4. R

    How to get a pump?

    Glad to hear that. I'm surprised you got it without trying levamir but congrats. On that note, Levamir with a split dose works quite well as you can ramp it up or back it off for 1/2 the day.... be aware none of these insulins last 24hrs in my experience, but with a split dose you can get...
  5. R

    How to get a pump?

    Hi, I having been a diabetic for 30 years and having just been allocated a pump. The most important thing is to play the game. You consultant has a budget and x patients they are responsible for. To get a pump you need commitment from the PCT to allocate £3000 in the first year and then £1000...
  6. R


    Re: LANTUS PROBLEMS What can I say.. I've been a Type 1 Diabetic for 30yrs and have tried pretty much everything out there from an insulin point of view. I was on Lantus and NovoRapid for several years and had all the yo yo effects described. Point 1 NovoRapid is not great for people who...
  7. R

    Longest living type 1 diabetic

    I have Type 1 since 2 1/2 and am now 32, My father had it at 14 and is now 60. The fact is, it depends on a lot but If you have good BG control, exercise, keep an eye on your cholesterol and and keep your weight under control you reduce the risk of complications significantly.
  8. R

    I am designing new diabetic devices! Please reply, thank you

    Hi the continuos monitors already exist and the newer ones are wireless. A device goes into the skin and a small control system picks up the signal. The new ones can even talk to Insulin Pumps... (cool) They basically require you to enter BS readings(to aid callibration), register an event...
  9. R

    what made you chose your meter

    Hi, I've used Accu-Chek Aviva for about 5 years now mainly because they were one of the first to offer the management software and PC connection for free(call to register). In that time I've had 3 which I tend to bin 1, demote 1(backup) and use the new as the primary meter. This means I need...