Stephen Bond

I recently got a shock when my GP said I should take a blood test for diabetes. I was even more shocked when he said that i was pre Type 2 and needed to make some big changes, plus go on to Ozempic jabs.

Throughout most of my life I was really lucky and could eat what I wanted, exercise when I wanted, and always stayed slim and very fit. Suddenly out of the blue in the last five years I put on a huge amount of weight and all changed. I am now starting to do small amounts of regular exercise, plus changing my diet dramatically. Stopped drinking alcohol, but planning on one drink per week, and a small one!

I used to be quite active but my increasing weight caused me to be less so, to the point where I do very little exercise... Yes I know, crazy!!! It is easier to find excuses for staying seated and look at the computer!... Well I am changing that and hopefully the weight loss due to new diet will help with doing some exercise.

I am pretty social and have great friends, although dinner parties are going to be different from now on.

I am a pretty fun, easy going, reasonable person, with a good sense of humour. I always try to be helpful to others when I can be.
United Kingdom
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Not a lot!
Great food and drink. Music. Socialising. Design. Travel. The usual Boy Toys.
Bureaucracy. Poor quality. Boredom


Diagnosed prediabetes 2 in October 22
October 22 Weight 117 Kg 18.4 Stone - HbA1C 6.1% 43MMOL - Glu 5.75 MMOL
October 22 After first week on Low Carb Diet Weight 109.4 Kg 17.2Stone - Glu 4.6 MMOL
December 22 Weight 102.2kg - HbA1C 5.4% 35MMOL - 16.1 Stone - Glu 4.13 MMOL
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