Recent Content by Streather \m/

  1. Streather \m/

    Type 1 Blood glucose

    How the hell do you fit such a regime around para training, does the omnipod make the whole process easier? i struggle at the best of times and spend a lot of my mental energy trying to stay out of burnout, my fluctuations make it very difficult to get any kind of reliable control and i have...
  2. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    I've ended up moving them directly to the back of my arm 2'' below my armpit :)
  3. Streather \m/

    Struggling with dawn phenomena...

    I suffer from the same inexplicable nighttime spikes and it drives me mad, it also rises furiously when i wake up regardless of cho input, db team look at me like its somehow my fault. It has destroyed my mind and body over the years. I've completely changed my diet of late and omit carbs after...
  4. Streather \m/

    Type 1 Blood glucose

    Dude, i get it so much i struggle to adequately put it into words, the only times my blood sugars behave are when i abstain completely from food, but I've ended up ruined from it. i have been in a constant burnout cycle for near 2 decades and the help where i live is just not there, nor is the...
  5. Streather \m/

    Type 1 Blood glucose

    can you link me some good info on dosing for protein please, ive just overhauled my entire approach after failing for years on my old system and know nothing about dosing for protein, i have always been told by med pros that it is free from carbs, but that would explain my spikes if this is not...
  6. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    @therower I have knocked multiple libre sensors off on door frames, as well as killing many watches in the same manner, sometimes spacial awareness doesn't take into account for foreign objects protruding from the body :) also jumpers have robbed me of time with particular libre sensors. not...
  7. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    Oops, got a bit sweary and starred :o
  8. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    Thank you and RatM has always expressed a lot of my inner rage, i always loved the photo, as grim as self immolation is, those monks give me mental strength in the tough times. What utter conviction and dedication to a cause, Awe inspiring. New phone at the end of the week so will be getting...
  9. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    Thank you, i will investigate and try it out now :)
  10. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    Again, thanks for all the welcomes, would someone be able to tell me how to ask direct questions to the forums? i am trying to find some downloadable diabetes management software that allows me to record food/liquids taken, as well as Blood results and insulin doses, also notes as to why i...
  11. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    The more i read about lantus now i am internet enabled and able to do my own research with a clear head (had v.bad depression over the last age), the more i feel it has been hindering rather than helping me. Ive made the mistake of trusting medical professionals absolutely in the past and it...
  12. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    Good to know about the lantus causing joint and muscle pains as i have been having issues with such things for a while and if something as simple as a change in insulin can help alleviate, if not fix it, it would be wonderful. And thanks for the advice on how to use the forum efficiently :)
  13. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    Thanks for the welcome, no offense meant by the word skinny, i can be a bit blunt sometimes, but will refrain from some of my more colorful terms and language usages :) i am terribly slim though, i never truly got back to fighting weight after chronic pancreatitis so am stuck at 10 stone, being...
  14. Streather \m/

    Type 1'stars R Us

    Thanks for the welcome :) the toujeo was supposed to be a stopgap measure to tide me over until i get a pump but the clinic is dragging its heels, its probably down to me being too meek and ill informed when i visit, hopefully speaking and interacting on this forum will arm me with the right...
  15. Streather \m/

    Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions

    - Include a photo here if you wish to. Not yet... - What is your name? Terry Streather - How old are you? 36 - Are you male or female? Male - Which country are you from? U.K - Which city/area do you live in? Lincolnshire, Woodhall Spa. - Are you religious? Not at all -...