After 9+yrs of Metformin no more meds!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Well done, that's great and I am so pleased for you.

Best wishes RRB :)
Really an excellent result for you - especially after such a long time diagnosed. It just goes to show what can be achieved, albeit with a dollop of good luck.

Please don't think I am diluting your result in any way, I'm absolutely not, more just acknowledging some of us are lucky enough to have remained healthy enough, one way or another, for our bodies to be able to regain these levels. Post-diagnosis, I too achieved good HbA1c scores, but I do thank my lucky stars ever day that whilst I'd really rather not have had the diagnosis, at least I've had the opportunity and good fortune to be able ito make a difference.

Keep up the good work.

I'm sure you must feel like walking on air. :)
You oi


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Today my GP confirmed that I could manage my type 2 diabetes with diet alone. I was diagnosed type 2 on 29/6/2006 with a HbA1c of 92/10.6 GP put me on 1 500mg tab metformin x 2 daily, also 80g Simvastin and 40mg Ramipril daily. This lowered my bg levels and I carried on like this until 13/8/15 when my HbA1c had raised to 65/8.1 and she wanted to increase the metformin dosage. Due to recent surgery on my gut I could not tolerate this increase. However, I found this forum and learned about low carbing and testing before and after meals. I started LCHF diet on 28.8.15 and slowly increased the distance I walked each day, I tested my bloods up to 7 times daily and discovered my BG levels dropped to "normal" range within 4-5 Days. At this point I stopped the metformin, halved the dosage of my other two meds and substituted 1x40mg gliclazide per day. After a few weeks of lchf and bloods being in the normal range I stopped the gliclazide too . Today I got my latest HbA1c result - 40/5.8 - woo hoo! & Doc confirmed my diabetes is reversed. Thank you SO much to all the fabulous people on this forum who taught me how! XXX
What vegetables and fruit do you allow yourself?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
@41quayside No fruit but a few strawberries or raspberries with double cream occasionally. You can have unlimited green vegetables on lchf eating though and there are lots of recipes on the forum's low carb diet and recipe threads which will give you guidelines. Good luck
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
was the diet easy to keep to and where did you find the diet please
Hi Kathy, I did a lot of reading on this forum "What did you eat today" thread is good for ideas but a thread on the Low-Carb Diet Forum here called "Viv's Modified Atkins Diet" was a great help to me, it suits me because my food choices are very limited because of another medical condition I have. Also, if you look at my original post you'll see that I increased my exercise too, I find that really helps to keep the blood sugar down. Also I test my blood before each meal and then 2hrs after eating to make sure the food hasn't put sugar levels up too much., that's really important. Good luck @kathy1948
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well done! Stories such as yours are truly inspirational. Like many others as a newbie I found lchf on this forum. It can be a little scary ignoring NHS advice and going on your own but boy is it worth it .

I was diagnosed in May 2014 and have since lost 5 stone and reduced my hba1c to 39 by following lchf (although also on various meds) and I now genuinely enjoy exercise and have a new lease of life. I would encourage anyone to seek the support and experience of others on this forum and would echo the thanks in 13lizannes original message
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done from me too! And here's a couple of gold stars... from me and all the Olive fans, so that you don't desert us! :p

gold_star.png gold_star.png
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
Today I was having a revue with my GP who said if my next two HbA1c tests were low I could come off the diabetic register. He also said that he felt my last HbA1c result (40) was too low-doh! and would prefer my next two to be a little higher and that, as I wasn't on medication, I no longer needed to worry about "hypos" so could stop testing my blood!!. Then later when I asked " You said my diabetes was reversed? " he said Oh! yes, it is, that's another reason you can afford to eat more normally without worrying about what your blood sugar is doing. I got a very conflicting lot of advice today, it's as well that I prefer to take control of my diabetes and am not reliant on the NHS party line. Sorry for the rant :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
You are in total control @13lizanne so I would continue doing exactly as you are, for as long as you want to.

Making sure you are as healthy as you possibly can be is all that matters.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
Thank you for your encouragement, I appreciate it very much


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
That is great @13lizanne
At least you have more sense than to go back to your old eating without testing. Hopefully now some things you did need to avoid might be OK or at least in small portions. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Today my GP confirmed that I could manage my type 2 diabetes with diet alone. I was diagnosed type 2 on 29/6/2006 with a HbA1c of 92/10.6 GP put me on 1 500mg tab metformin x 2 daily, also 80g Simvastin and 40mg Ramipril daily. This lowered my bg levels and I carried on like this until 13/8/15 when my HbA1c had raised to 65/8.1 and she wanted to increase the metformin dosage. Due to recent surgery on my gut I could not tolerate this increase. However, I found this forum and learned about low carbing and testing before and after meals. I started LCHF diet on 28.8.15 and slowly increased the distance I walked each day, I tested my bloods up to 7 times daily and discovered my BG levels dropped to "normal" range within 4-5 Days. At this point I stopped the metformin, halved the dosage of my other two meds and substituted 1x40mg gliclazide per day. After a few weeks of lchf and bloods being in the normal range I stopped the gliclazide too . Today I got my latest HbA1c result - 40/5.8 - woo hoo! & Doc confirmed my diabetes is reversed. Thank you SO much to all the fabulous people on this forum who taught me how! XXX
That's brilliant news.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Blood Tests Injections MRI Scans (particuarly) cooked white cabbage and Cornish Pasties
Today I was having a revue with my GP who said if my next two HbA1c tests were low I could come off the diabetic register. He also said that he felt my last HbA1c result (40) was too low-doh! and would prefer my next two to be a little higher and that, as I wasn't on medication, I no longer needed to worry about "hypos" so could stop testing my blood!!. Then later when I asked " You said my diabetes was reversed? " he said Oh! yes, it is, that's another reason you can afford to eat more normally without worrying about what your blood sugar is doing. I got a very conflicting lot of advice today, it's as well that I prefer to take control of my diabetes and am not reliant on the NHS party line. Sorry for the rant :)
Well done
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Today my GP confirmed that I could manage my type 2 diabetes with diet alone. I was diagnosed type 2 on 29/6/2006 with a HbA1c of 92/10.6 GP put me on 1 500mg tab metformin x 2 daily, also 80g Simvastin and 40mg Ramipril daily. This lowered my bg levels and I carried on like this until 13/8/15 when my HbA1c had raised to 65/8.1 and she wanted to increase the metformin dosage. Due to recent surgery on my gut I could not tolerate this increase. However, I found this forum and learned about low carbing and testing before and after meals. I started LCHF diet on 28.8.15 and slowly increased the distance I walked each day, I tested my bloods up to 7 times daily and discovered my BG levels dropped to "normal" range within 4-5 Days. At this point I stopped the metformin, halved the dosage of my other two meds and substituted 1x40mg gliclazide per day. After a few weeks of lchf and bloods being in the normal range I stopped the gliclazide too . Today I got my latest HbA1c result - 40/5.8 - woo hoo! & Doc confirmed my diabetes is reversed. Thank you SO much to all the fabulous people on this forum who taught me how! XXX
Hi, have just joined site after 10 years as a type 2 on 3 a day 500mg metformin plus atavastin 10mg and 16 mg candesartan daily. Similar testing HbA historic results to yourself and at the last count 5.7 (woo hoo! To quote you!) so now am getting serious having just "taken the tablets" for years. I want to try and get off meds altogether and am actively trying to get my weight down 10% using low calorie/carb diet. I would be interested to hear from you particularly as your doctor "confirmed diabetes reversed" what a great result, well done !! So what now for your metformin - stopped altogether? What advice re keeping bg under control ? I am really interested and quite excited and I am a wrinkly!! Tony O
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
I came off Metformin last spring as I could no longer tolerate it, took 1 x 40 mg gliclazide for 3months and have been off all medication for diabetes plus ace inhibitor and statins since. I'm now medicine free but I did it myself @tonyo49 my docs advice had been meds + low GI diet but it wasn't working for me. I read for hours and hours on this forum, followed the links given to and decided that, for me, this was the way to go you've just read the rest of my story. Everyone is different and what worked for me may not work for you. I'm going to tag @daisy1 who will come along shortly with some great information which will get your journey started. Please read it then assk anything else you wish to know and someone will answer. Good luck
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Many thanks that's really helpful, will await info and read it, thanks again Tony O
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done,it,s really something when you think about it ,you have cured a Deadly illness , by going againsts your GP,s advice ,he must be a bit embarrarased.? Well done again
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cruelty towards animals.

Hello Tony and welcome to the forum :) Here in my signature is the link to the information we give to new members and I hope you will find it useful. Ask more questions and someone will be able to help.