
Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Coriander leaf, chillis, celery, sausages,
I just had to tell you guys about this:
Today is a wonderful day. I went to Tesco's today and I was looking at the lovely colourful clothes in the Highwoods Branch and I thought I'd just ask how you tell what size you are - especially when you are loosing weight all the time - I LOVE being able to say that last bit! ROFL!
Asked how many inches in this (handing over a pair of size 20 trousers off the rack), they said 42, I thought maybe that'll fit then, my last pair of trousers I bought being a size 24.
I tried it on... and it fitted... but was a bit baggy, so I thought... I wonder... - stepped out of the fitting room, over to the rack, snaffled a lower size - 18 - and snuck back in and tried that one...
To my incredible joy that one fitted much better, and hey look - I have legs again! still got a bit of a tummy, and could probably loose more off the bum, but hey, don't knock it while it's working!
This deserves a text editor, and the ability to use a size 72 font:
I fit an 18!!!!!
I bought 'em!
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
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Well done! So, how is your diet generally going? Are you low carbing or still doing (was it) slimming world's diet?
How's your blood sugars?
I've got friend non-diabetic who's weight loss came into stand still with weight watches..and when I talked about my diet for her..she decided to have a go..and she has started to loose some weight again with the difference that she does feel much more satisfied with her food...and her hubby too.
Do you see your weight loss when you look at the mirror or are you 'weight blind'? I don't see any difference in me until I put some clothes on and they don't fit me that well anymore:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
wife is happy dancing for you :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Cauliflower pretending to be rice and any vegetable pretending to be pasta
If the pants fit buy them!

Well done



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Being bored
I just had to tell you guys about this:
Today is a wonderful day. I went to Tesco's today and I was looking at the lovely colourful clothes in the Highwoods Branch and I thought I'd just ask how you tell what size you are - especially when you are loosing weight all the time - I LOVE being able to say that last bit! ROFL!
Asked how many inches in this (handing over a pair of size 20 trousers off the rack), they said 42, I thought maybe that'll fit then, my last pair of trousers I bought being a size 24.
I tried it on... and it fitted... but was a bit baggy, so I thought... I wonder... - stepped out of the fitting room, over to the rack, snaffled a lower size - 18 - and snuck back in and tried that one...
To my incredible joy that one fitted much better, and hey look - I have legs again! still got a bit of a tummy, and could probably loose more off the bum, but hey, don't knock it while it's working!
This deserves a text editor, and the ability to use a size 72 font:
I fit an 18!!!!!
I bought 'em!
Hi FranOnTheEdge, Oh you must be so proud with yourself, I know the feeling I have been in size 20 for a long time now in 16 s. In Jan this year when I was diagnosed Type 2 was in 18,:):) now 16 great feeling it spurs you on well done again.:happy::happy:


Well-Known Member
Well done Fran keep it up it's clearly been well worth it.
I thought I'd just ask how you tell what size you are - especially when you are loosing weight all the time
I had a set of clothes in my wardrobe that I hadn't worn for a few years and some shirts that had never been worn. But they're back in circulation now. Most of my jeans are a bit too big, I will fit a lower size comfortably now so, like you, probably due a shopping spree at some point :)