Coeliacs disease


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Apparently type 1 diabetics are particularly prone to developing coeliacs due to having a more "permeable " gut lining.

I suspect based on my sudden inability to metabolise carbohydrate from wheat I may be one of the unfortunate to develop the condition.

Are there any coeliacs disease sufferers on the forum?

If so, What were your symptoms?

Apparently coeliac patients can go for years with very mild, almost negligible symptoms and consequently remain undiagnosed as a result, additionally the classic diarrhoea/bloating/wind criteria rarely presents in a meaningful enough extent to lead to diagnosis apparently which is why so MANY remain unaware of the condition.

Be interested to hear the experiences of others. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
For about 5 years before diagnosis I noticed that eating bread would make me sick, although never really knew about coeliac disease at the time. Eventually my Dr noticed I was anaemic and put me on iron tablets, but that didn't help so he sent me to a gastroenterologist. They arranged for endoscopy and biopsy and that confirmed that I was coeliac.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I saw a consultant gastroenterologist this week, after being referred, due to the result of a coeliac blood test at my annual review in August. He said that he thinks I probably do have coeliac disease because I have osteoporosis and also pass stools up to 7 times per day (not diarrhoea). I now have an appointment for an endoscopy at the beginning of March. I'm finding it quite difficult to eat the 2 slices of bread per day until then. Normally I only have 3 to 4 slices per week. I think it has started to affect my digestion already. I don't exactly feel bloated but am heading that way.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
pasta ice cream and chocolate
I'm another gang member. It's no big deal being gluten free so don't worry about it.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
My 13year old has recently been diagnosed with coeliac and he is type 1 diabetic, he has adapted quite well to a gluten free diet and there are lots of supplements available you do have to shop around as different shops stock different products. Eating out is more of a problem


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I'm in my 3rd week of being gluten free.

For the last few days, my BGs have risen sharply after my evening meal. Isn't it too soon for my gut to have improved enough to affect my blood sugar?


Well-Known Member
I saw a consultant gastroenterologist this week, after being referred, due to the result of a coeliac blood test at my annual review in August. He said that he thinks I probably do have coeliac disease because I have osteoporosis and also pass stools up to 7 times per day (not diarrhoea). I now have an appointment for an endoscopy at the beginning of March. I'm finding it quite difficult to eat the 2 slices of bread per day until then. Normally I only have 3 to 4 slices per week. I think it has started to affect my digestion already. I don't exactly feel bloated but am heading that way.

I too have been just like yourself but only figured out what was causing me to go to the loo too many times when I run out of the seeded low carb hi protein Lidl rolls and resorted to eat my partners GF bread instead. My stools returned to normal colour again so have decided to eat GF as much as I can and its not too bad if able to use the large Asian wholesale supermarket chains as they sell loads of GF flours, sesame seed stuff. Also, Asda own make of GF bread (1.50) is much much nicer than that leading G brand which tends to fall to bits. I had a colonoscopy done a few years ago because of stool movement but the results were clear and the cause was probably due to eating too much fibre so cut out Lapsi porridge and nut porridge which helped but not perfect. Breakfast at the moment is crushed up Lidl rice cakes with some milk and doing a bolus 30mins in advance so dont tend to swing upwards too much and using Dexcom (although not perfect), I can stay within a good target range. Ive tried eating wheat stuff again but tend to be on the loo so I think I know what the cause is.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I have had type 1 diabetes for 50+ years now. Five years ago I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease. Join Coeliac UK and you will find lots of information. Ask to be referred to a dietician who will give you a pack of information along with card requests for free samples to be sent to you to try. When you have found one that you like (I liked Juvela) your GP should be able to prescribe these for you - Basic foods i.e. bread,rolls, flour, pasta, plain biscuits etc. Due to recent cutbacks some GPs do not prescribe but do check. You will need to check carb content of items because they can be different from the 'normal'. I find that gf bread can spike my bs so do check yours. Eating out can be a problem but there are a lot of cafes, resturants and fish & chips shops that offer gluten free options. My local fish and chip shops has a fryer used only for gluten free orders and will cook chicken, fish, chips, onion rings to order, but that is a treat! blood checks re coeliac are done as part of my diabetes check. Much of my knowledge is self taught and Coeliac UK because no practical support from dsn. I am careful not to contaminate what I eat with ordinary food when preparing meals because just cutting a sandwich in half using the same knife that I cut my husbands sandwich, can cause me pain, ulcers in mouth and itchy skin.


Well-Known Member
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Juvela bread mix is good in a bread maker
Hi @iHs do you buy the juvela bread mix or get it on prescription? I have tried it and think it is absolutely amazing but have been unable to find an affordable source (currently approx £10 per bag online)! I am desperate to start buying it!
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Apparently type 1 diabetics are particularly prone to developing coeliacs due to having a more "permeable " gut lining.

I suspect based on my sudden inability to metabolise carbohydrate from wheat I may be one of the unfortunate to develop the condition.

Are there any coeliacs disease sufferers on the forum?

If so, What were your symptoms?

Apparently coeliac patients can go for years with very mild, almost negligible symptoms and consequently remain undiagnosed as a result, additionally the classic diarrhoea/bloating/wind criteria rarely presents in a meaningful enough extent to lead to diagnosis apparently which is why so MANY remain unaware of the condition.

Be interested to hear the experiences of others. Thanks.

I am in the coeliac club too, my symptoms were, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, upper abdominal pain, severe at times, bowel problems and feeling like death at times. This happened over a period of months. It was a relief to be told (eventually after two endoscopies, one in August and one in October) that it was coeliac and I felt so much better afterwards. 3 months later, I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis too.
I have my yearly hospital appointment in May.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I was diagnosed in February last year and I did not realise I had anything wrong with me until I went gluten free and am now much happier and lost weight have more energy and fewer migraines. My son was diagnosed with type 1 in May 2014 and by November was told he had Coeliac disease. He was generally very poorly until going gluten free, however my daughter who was diagnosed on 23 rd December was so ill that they thought she had a brain tumor!! But again since going gluten free she is so much better. There is a light at the end of the tunnel! There is lots of GF food available at supermarkets and restaurents/pubs are better equipped to deal with GF requests.
Hope your new diet makes you feel better too.
Just one point to note if you have type 1 as well , the GF alternatives for items such as pizza / bread are very high in carbs, so you need to be vigilant with your carb intake.
Good luck to you.
Lucy x


Been T1 and coeliac for 18 years now and to be fair, without sounding to bad, its easy these days.
I still remember when the 'GlutenFree' aisle used to be half a shelf in all supermarkets and no restaurant had even heard of it.
Once u get used to it and friends family too then its easy and just becomes habit, the while house now eats gluten free as why takes risks.
Only thing i strongly object to is some the prices which we are expected to pay for some of the foods on the shelf

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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I am also coeliac, T1 & have an over active Thyriod. Before I was diagnosied coeliac I used to have lots of belly acid and wind. The only Gluten Free food i purchase are Nairns oatcakes the savoury one's. They vary in grams 3.7 to 6 grams per oat cracker, the cheese one' are 3.7 the seeded crackers are 5.0 and the rough oatcrackers are around 6.0 carbs per cracker . I use these oatcakes for keeping my Blood Sugers stable during the day. Or has a light snack, great with hard or soft cheese and they also have no added suger in them. Just pure oats & I have also found that my Blood Sugers don't spike. I get Genius bread on perscription. I tend to stay away from the high carb surgery Gluten Free foods.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
I was diagnosed with IBS about 7 years ago... wrong!
Turned out to be coeliacs which I was only tested for after demanding a blood test and gastroscopy after developing type 1 diabetes and was sure I had both.. I did. All the classic symptoms of bloating pain wind and diohrea etc. I also had a dexa scan for osteoporosis which was border line so will have to have another in a few years.
I was perfectly healthy before all this.. now having tests for ms. I swear my immune system is seriously trying to kill me.. it's got a fight on its hands xxx stay strong everyone


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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At first I had a bad rash or lump in my throat, thought it was lactose intolerance because of all the milkshakes and yogurts I ate so cut out all dairy products except butter which has minimal amounts, a few weeks later i get stomach pains still stuck to the lactose-free regime, so i'm thinking its something else like gluten or eggs, i just don't know. And hope I haven't got to avoid both gluten and dairy, that cuts out alot of my regular food habits.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
10 year coeliac anniversary here, 5 year diabetes anniversary! I had few symptoms for coeliac other than a weird little blistery rash on my fingertips, and occasional periods of fluctuating between Constipation and diarrhoea. A lot of people have few to no symptoms. I’ve spoken to other coeliacs who developed symptoms over such a long period of time that they didn’t realise how unwell they were feeling until they started feeling better


Apparently type 1 diabetics are particularly prone to developing coeliacs due to having a more "permeable " gut lining.

I suspect based on my sudden inability to metabolise carbohydrate from wheat I may be one of the unfortunate to develop the condition.

Are there any coeliacs disease sufferers on the forum?

If so, What were your symptoms?

Apparently coeliac patients can go for years with very mild, almost negligible symptoms and consequently remain undiagnosed as a result, additionally the classic diarrhoea/bloating/wind criteria rarely presents in a meaningful enough extent to lead to diagnosis apparently which is why so MANY remain unaware of the condition.

Be interested to hear the experiences of others. Thanks.
My coeliac was detected for many years. I have severe stomach pains, lots bloating, always anaemic which was put down to being female! Lots of diarrhea but I ate lots fruit.i and iron injection daily for 30 days and still as anaemic after the 30 injections,so was sent for camera test and found my stomach had almost burst. Now just blood test I believe but coeliac now for 35 years. Good luck x
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
My coeliac was detected for many years. I have severe stomach pains, lots bloating, always anaemic which was put down to being female! Lots of diarrhea but I ate lots fruit.i and iron injection daily for 30 days and still as anaemic after the 30 injections,so was sent for camera test and found my stomach had almost burst. Now just blood test I believe but coeliac now for 35 years. Good luck x
No but I've got tummy troubles I went to the Drs and he sent me for blood test and the result came back as bloating with bread