A newly diagnosed review of the forum

Ian DP

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I wonder how other 'new' forum users rate this forum? My experience; 5 out of 5,:-

Diagnosed T2 sep13, then T1 /LADA /T1.5 in dec13. Not sure when I first started reading forum posts, but subscribed 1-Jan-14

Nearly everything I have learned about diabetes has originated from this forum.

When diagnosed the hospital diabetic clinic told me to have 1/3 of my plate full of (good) carbs and test my blood twice per day (before breakfast and before dinner). I soon learned, from this forum, to cut back further on carbs and to test after food, to establish how carbs affected my blood. My BG records show I started low carbing (cutting out bread, pasta, rice etc) mid January (2wks after joining the forum) and I started BG testing after food at the end of January.... Thus I started eating to my meter, one month after joining the forum. Best thing I ever did, my carb intake has gone down gradually ever since, until by july I was down to 36g of carbs per day, and that is where I still am today at 36g. My BG levels have gradually gone down and are currently at their lowest levels ever.
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Hi. It's great that you have been able to go that low on the carbs. I must admit I've always stayed above 100gm most days so have needed meds along the way to assist
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Brilliant Ian, very similar to my experience, except I started low carbing almost the same day I was diagnosed after coming on here. My main incentives were to give two fingers to the doctor who informed me without any other help offered (although they are not all like that); and to avoid any medication if at all possible (I just don't do drugs). Low carbing was the only way for me to do that.

Members of this forum gave me the information, inspiration and support that enabled me to bring my blood sugars back to non-diabetic levels (OK only just, but it's a marathon not a sprint), lose 18 kg to get back to normal BMI, get blood pressure to 120/65 and feel fitter than I have for 20 years. And there's some great craic as well. I would list a few who have been of particular help but I don't want to embarrass them or inadvertently leave anyone out.

Help like that also encourages you to do the same for new members who are in the same boat.
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This forum is amazing! Seriously amazing!

Been diagnosed T1 since June and have learned so much so quickly because of all the ppl on this forum!!

Cannot praise it enough!
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Hi Ian DP

I'd rate it same as you - 5 out of 5. As a wife supporting a fairly recently diagnosed type 1 hubbie, this has been such a great support and place for knowledge. We knew almost nothing about diabetes in January this year when he was diagnosed. It's great to read all the tips, recipe ideas, book recommendations, scientific stuff ,what works for some, dawn phenomena and so on. It helps deal with a condition which often has no logic.

Hubbie's situation is similiar to you Ian as he also is still producing some of his own insulin although he takes a very small dose of Lantus at 9pm each night. His last Hba1c was 41. He is low-ish carbing and eating ultra healthy but struggling at times to keep the weight on. . He has yet to try the bullet proof coffee!

I enjoy reading posts, especially what everyone is eating and have gained lots of new idea for food for the whole family.

Happy days! :)
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5 out of 5.
I get the best of both worlds, this great forum and my Doctor who recommended this forum.
I would also like to take this opportunity to give @Giverny 10 of of 10 for all the hard work she is doing keeping this site operating to such a high standard, including sorting out "hic ups" within the system.
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I do not have diabetes
Dishonest people, pessimism, spiders, mushrooms.
5 out of 5.
I get the best of both worlds, this great forum and my Doctor who recommended this forum.
I would also like to take this opportunity to give @Giverny 10 of of 10 for all the hard work she is doing keeping this site operating to such a high standard, including sorting out "hic ups" within the system.
Thanks Izzi, myself and the rest of the DCUK team do our best to keep this place running as smoothly as possible.

Without the community though, this forum would be useless. You all make this place what it is, and you should be really proud of yourselves for giving up your own time to help others, and show appreciation for those that have helped you. Hats off to everyone here :)
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Retired Moderator
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Disrespectful people
The forum is a great source of information and I for one I'm glad I joined.

Much like all things in life, with diabetes you never stop learning and you can learn as much from people who have been diagnosed 6 months than you can from someone who has been diagnosed 30, 40 or 50 years.

Long may the forum last..............:)
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I aggree, I am T2 .. But if or when things progress to needing med's or I move over to T1 it holds no fear as within these forums I know how and when to do things .. Also know where to cry for help.. Your all wonderful on here and I score you 5 out of 5 and yes I would recommend to a friend
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
I'll never forget joining and the help people have given me over the past 5 years. Not a newbie now, but I will always remember the help and the wonderful friends I have made through this forum.
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This forum is really excellent. When I was first diagnosed I accepted I had to inject but loads of questions arose and I had no one to ask - then I found this site. FAB -really big help not to feel alone and helpless. It's great to have somewhere to ask questions however serious or stupid they may seem or just to let your feelings out. Nice to have support from others and to be able to read other people's input too. Can't rate it highly enough. Went for my annual check with GPS diabetic nurse last week - she had loads of info to give me but as she raised each topic (insulin levels, treating hypos, driving etc) I was able to tell her knew what to do or had already done it as I'd had the Info from here. Only thing I learnt from her was that my HIAb level was equivalent to 6.7 which she said was perfect. From her reactions I think I told her some info I'd found out that she didn't know already. Just waiting to see hospital in December.
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Tablets (oral)
I can only agree with all of the previous posts. I would have been totally and utterly lost without this forum and the kind and knowledgable members. I was diagnosed 3 months ago . My mother had been late onset type 2 as we'll and I can remember only too we'll her ulcerated shin that would never heel. I can not praise this forum and it's members highly enough. This knowledge gained enables one to take control rather than being a victim
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this is too difficult two

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I managed fine without this forum I got my HbA1c down easily. But I felt terrible. Then Donald( :) ) on this forum told me to eat fat .
It made a huge difference to me.
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Diet only
Brilliant Ian. Well done to you.

5 out of 5 from me, too.

Diagnosed early January 2014. I have never seen a doctor about diabetes, not once. I have only seen a nurse.

I was told to eat a lot of carbs, especially bread, plus baked beans, jacket potatoes, peas, low fat, low salt, blah di blah. I was also told I could still have a piece of cake or an ice cream as a treat providing it wasn't every day. I was never told anything about meters, just told to lose weight and come back in 3 months. To be honest, I was delighted!! It meant I didn't need to change my diet very much :joyful:

This forum has been a godsend. I didn't even have a clue that carbs turn to glucose!

Thank you to each and everyone of you for the friendly posts, support and advice.

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this is too difficult two

Well-Known Member
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Brilliant Ian. Well done to you.

5 out of 5 from me, too.

Diagnosed early January 2014. I have never seen a doctor about diabetes, not once. I have only seen a nurse.

I was told to eat a lot of carbs, especially bread, plus baked beans, jacket potatoes, peas, low fat, low salt, blah di blah. I was also told I could still have a piece of cake or an ice cream as a treat providing it wasn't every day. I was never told anything about meters, just told to lose weight and come back in 3 months. To be honest, I was delighted!! It meant I didn't need to change my diet very much :joyful:

This forum has been a godsend. I didn't even have a clue that carbs turn to glucose!

Thank you to each and everyone of you for the friendly posts, support and advice.
I am the opposite. I have never seen a nurse. Only doctors.

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