NHS weightloss payments to staff


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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
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Just wondering what forum members think to the NHS staff being given payments to incentivise them to lose weight?

My thoughts are:


Can't they just take the advice from their NHS dieticians?

I have to pay for everything a self employed person, so why can't they?

Am I just mean?


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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
Just wondering what forum members think to the NHS staff being given payments to incentivise them to lose weight?

My thoughts are:
Can't they just take the advice from their NHS dieticians?
Am I just mean?
Yes you are!!!!!!!:hilarious:
Haven't you read all the posts about people following advice from NHS dieticians?:D
That's why we so many of us low carb, isn't it?:rolleyes::angelic:
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what makes you think they aren't.... just taking the advice from their NHS dieticians?
I wouldn't worry too much, they won't be paying out any money in my lifetime


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I haven't actually heard of this, but I imagine part of the justification would be the costs of time away from work due to obesity related conditions?

That being the case the idea will be to get full value for money. The public purse pays for an NHS employee as they work. The public purse also pays salaries, followed potentially by state benefits should an NHS employee be incapacitated. And extrapolating that even further, the public purse pays for NHS employees' final salary pension, should they have to retire on the grounds of ill-health.

As I understand it, NHS sick pay and ill-health benefits are outstanding.
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Type of diabetes
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Bit tongue in tooth(??) asling question, but I just can't see why the NHS staff can't just research low carb etc like the rest of us? They lecture us on the blood pressures, diabetes, heart etc... So why can't they lead by example??

Makes me mad actually..
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All the ones I've seen don't low carb. Portion control, gym workout, and they're certainly not overweight.
What they're saying works for all the ones I've seen.
Can't see any reason at all for them to LCHF.
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Type of diabetes
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
All the ones I've seen don't low carb. Portion control, gym workout, and they're certainly not overweight.
What they're saying works for all the ones I've seen.
Can't see any reason at all for them to LCHF.

Sorry, today... I have met some CQC Inspectors.... Checking on NHS Practices... At the same time as I was meeting and greeting my hubby was waiting for stitches to be removed.

Afterwards hubby phoned me... He said "i knew who they were when they turned up, as they were 1 metre wide......."

I have never seen any NHS staff in any hospital ever in 30 years of T1 that has ever had a good bmi. Thats honest. My current consultant always congratulates me on looking so good (but never asks how!) and one GP stated a comment in front of a male friend when I was stripped down that was inappropriate and my male friend said I should have reported the male GP at the time.

30 years of seeing NHS staff being overweight gets my goat... I haven't been paid to slim down! I always looked after my health. They are paid to look after our health and are now going to get paid extra to lose weight???? Blimey.. I must have been a really bad person in a previous life!!! This is just madness - and is it al going to come out of our NHS budget? The NHS is going to have to raise billlions in the next few years.. And us tax payers are going to pay the NHS staff to lose weight???

WHY? What about the rest of the public that pay their wages?
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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
All the ones I've seen don't low carb. Portion control, gym workout, and they're certainly not overweight.
What they're saying works for all the ones I've seen.
Can't see any reason at all for them to LCHF.
Mine is.:D
I was thinking of printing out southport gps research for her but it would be difficult as she refuses to see me! :rolleyes:
Can't understand it. You and I have opposite diets. I have spoken to you on and off for 9 months and not once have we fallen out. I have asked questions in a totally non aggressive way which she clearly finds threatening but I don't get it. I get on with most people but not this woman. Anyway, I lost another lb this week so am now at 12 St 4lbs! :D
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Mine is.:D
I was thinking of printing out southport gps research for her but it would be difficult as she refuses to see me! :rolleyes:
Can't understand it. You and I have opposite diets. I have spoken to you on and off for 9 months and not once have we fallen out. I have asked questions in a totally non aggressive way which she clearly finds threatening but I don't get it. I get on with most people but not this woman. Anyway, I lost another lb this week so am now at 12 St 4lbs! :D


Maybe I just filter out the poor ones, but I have to say the ones at the NHS who have inspired me, have practised what they say, have taken into account my low GI/GL, and have also been as healthy as anyone else.
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Mine is.:D
I was thinking of printing out southport gps research for her but it would be difficult as she refuses to see me! :rolleyes:
Can't understand it. You and I have opposite diets. I have spoken to you on and off for 9 months and not once have we fallen out. I have asked questions in a totally non aggressive way which she clearly finds threatening but I don't get it. I get on with most people but not this woman. Anyway, I lost another lb this week so am now at 12 St 4lbs! :D
Great weight loss news ....@Scandichic ... shrinking all the time ...:rolleyes::cool: Hardly see see you now ...:nailbiting::wideyed:;)


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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
Sorry, today... I have met some CQC Inspectors.... Checking on NHS Practices... At the same time as I was meeting and greeting my hubby was waiting for stitches to be removed.

Afterwards hubby phoned me... He said "i knew who they were when they turned up, as they were 1 metre wide......."

I have never seen any NHS staff in any hospital ever in 30 years of T1 that has ever had a good bmi. Thats honest. My current consultant always congratulates me on looking so good (but never asks how!) and one GP stated a comment in front of a male friend when I was stripped down that was inappropriate and my male friend said I should have reported the male GP at the time.

30 years of seeing NHS staff being overweight gets my goat... I haven't been paid to slim down! I always looked after my health. They are paid to look after our health and are now going to get paid extra to lose weight???? Blimey.. I must have been a really bad person in a previous life!!! This is just madness - and is it al going to come out of our NHS budget? The NHS is going to have to raise billlions in the next few years.. And us tax payers are going to pay the NHS staff to lose weight???

WHY? What about the rest of the public that pay their wages?
To be honest I don't begrudge them free treatment. It's a stressful job with **** hours and precious little thanks. They spend so many hours looking after others that they don't have time to look after themselves so I understand why it's better to treat them early on than wait for complications which will require time off and costly treatments.
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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
Great weight loss news ....@Scandichic ... shrinking all the time ...:rolleyes::cool: Hardly see see you now ...:nailbiting::wideyed:;)
will post some cartoons especially for you! Hugs!
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Perhaps I am just "lean and mean" (according to another NHS male GP 10 years ago) because I have never seen a dietician in 30 years -and always done my own (pre terminology) lower carb lifestyle of eating?

I don't know but I just am incapable of seeing it as fair...
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Type of diabetes
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
To be honest I don't begrudge them free treatment. It's a stressful job with **** hours and precious little thanks. They spend so many hours looking after others that they don't have time to look after themselves so I understand why it's better to treat them early on than wait for complications which will require time off and costly treatments.

Crikey! My hubby worked for the worlds largest Internet company as a Manager for a decade.... He left home at 6am, got home at 8pm and was still having to log back on at home at 11.30pm every night....did he get paid to slim down? No....

Many people have to have two jobs or more to survive... Albeit not in a clean hospital...some are down cleaning our sewers!! And work 7 days a week, not just Monday to Friday.

Sorry, I just can't see why NHS Staff should be paid to lose weight.. If they want to help the public then they should lead by example in the first place...
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Well-Known Member
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Michael Gove and his insane educational? policies!
Crikey! My hubby worked for the worlds largest Internet company as a Manager for a decade.... He left home at 6am, got home at 8pm and was still having to log back on at home at 11.30pm every night....did he get paid to slim down? No....

Many people have to have two jobs or more to survive... Albeit not in a clean hospital...some are down cleaning our sewers!! And work 7 days a week, not just Monday to Friday.

Sorry, I just can't see why NHS Staff should be paid to lose weight.. If they want to help the public then they should lead by example in the first place...
Can't agree with you on this one. Just because Nhs employees are lucky enough to have an employer who takes care of them doesn't mean we should take away those things. Perhaps the question we should ask ourselves is why the hell greedy private sector employers don't value their employees enough to treat them properly. Why do banks for example pay their clerks such a pittance when they make so much profit? Why are people who are 16 paid less than someone who is a bit older? Why do some nurseries insist that employees take qualifications and then take the money for the qualification out of their pittance of a wage?
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................they should lead by example in the first place...

Be b****r all working anywhere, in any job if that was a requirement across the board.
Even my hairdresser looked windswept the last time I went in.
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Just wondering what forum members think to the NHS staff being given payments to incentivise them to lose weight?

My thoughts are:


Can't they just take the advice from their NHS dieticians?

I have to pay for everything a self employed person, so why can't they?

Am I just mean?

Have you got a link to this or are you referring to this article which is not exclusively for NHS workers?

As the obesity crisis reaches a critical point - 1 in 4 people in Britain are obese - the NHS has backed plans to tackle it by rewarding people with cash or shopping vouchers if they lose weight.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Have you got a link to this or are you referring to this article which is not exclusively for NHS workers?

As the obesity crisis reaches a critical point - 1 in 4 people in Britain are obese - the NHS has backed plans to tackle it by rewarding people with cash or shopping vouchers if they lose weight.

From Pulse today.... But can't get to copy the link to it... Sorry

NHS England is set to introduce incentives for losing weight as part of plans to reduce sickness absence in the workforce, it has revealed.

As part of its new five-year plan, NHS England said it will ‘measure staff health and wellbeing’ and introduce ‘voluntary work-based weight watching and health schemes’.

It said the schemes it was planning to use were proven to ‘achieve sustaintable weight loss in more than a third of those who take part’.

NHS England will also ‘cut access to unhealthy products on NHS premises, implementing food standards, and providing healthy options for night staff’, it said, and support ‘active travel’ schemes for staff and visitors.

The plan said: ‘While three-quarters of NHS trusts say they offer staff help to quit smoking, only about a third offer them support in keeping to a healthy weight. Three-quarters of hospitals do not offer healthy food to staff working night shifts. It has previously been estimated the NHS could reduce its overall sickness rate by a third – the equivalent of adding almost 15,000 staff and 3.3 million working days at a cost saving of £550m.’

In addition, NHS England intends to speak to large employers about also incentivising healthy living, chief executive Simon Stevens said. Probed further, he said incentives may include shopping vouchers, for example.

Mr Stevens said: ‘Employers in many countries have developed voluntary schemes for their employees whereby, for example, you actually get cash back based on participation in Weight Watchers or other types of schemes.’

‘There are quite a lot of international programmes where research has shown they worked well and they have generally been ignored in this country so far.’