Low carb is the way to normal!



I've been a bad member and disappeared for a while, but I had to come back and share my success! On a (very) low carb diet of mostly under 50g carb daily I have

Lost 3 stone
Regained normal BG levels

Today my latest HbA1c was 45

I've been doing it for a good few months now and shall continue, even over Christmas, because with those results I might keep fit and healthy....right up until I die! It took years of ignoring the diabetes and a cataract to motivate me, but it has been fairly easy to do. Give it a go.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Spiders, control freaks, untidiness, ignorance.
Well done Sunnyspots! What do you eat to stay lowcarb ?
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm so pleased for you. :happy:

Christmas is going to be a bit of a challenge, this year. I weakened too much last year :rolleyes:
This time, I intend to be more disciplined. :sorry:

Mind you. I shall have at least one mince pie. With extra thick double cream.
At least one...
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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm so pleased for you. :happy:

Christmas is going to be a bit of a challenge, this year. I weakened too much last year :rolleyes:
This time, I intend to be more disciplined. :sorry:

Mind you. I shall have at least one mince pie. With extra thick double cream.
At least one...

Funny the things we all go for. Can't stand mince pies or Christmas pud or cake but I really will miss my milk chocolate covered brazils. Used to eat the whole box in tŵo nights.thinking I may buy some brazils and coat in melted dark chocolate.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
@Tweetypie I seem to live on raspberries, double cream, 85% chocolate, wholenut peanut butter, pecans, broccoli, spinach, cheese, bacon and chicken mostly. I used to eat brazil nuts more but found too many of them were bad and inedible. I have carbs in the house and cook macaroni cheese for the kids but have managed not to be tempted. I think seeing the weight loss has helped.

@Brunneria and @cold ethyl I am dreading Christmas as I shall really miss mince pies, Xmas pudding and cake etc. By the way, good to 'see' you again!
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