Help plse- diabetes and heart


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Since july 14 i started having chest pain and shortness of breath and am undergoing tests with cardiologists.
However, things have been getting worse/new.
Swollen painful legs (new)
Bad fatigue (new)
Shortness of breath now worse on mild activity
Lightheaded(like not enough blood to brain- new
Chest pain

I went to the gp as consultant cant get me in till 2 months.

My hba1c has increased slightly so upped metformin.

But he wont do anything bout the other. And its really making me feel ill and making my seizures worse.

Just blaming it all on the diabetes. Which when i had test was on a sugary medicine.

Is this true?

My chest pain is alot worse and struggling to wait the 2 months. Have already had to stop myself from collapsing.

Another dr said if the dizziness continues come back which i did today as been 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Cricket, golf
If, as it appears, it is very uncomfortable then call an ambulance (999). Better safer than not.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Don't take chances with chest pains. Go to your local A&E, they will treat you there and then. Or phone an ambulance.

Don't wait for your appointment.
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Hi @tigeress77,

As others have said present your self at A@E.

Take your medication with you as some of these may be contributing to how you feel.

Ruth B

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
As you have already been referred to a cardiologist then they already suspect heart problems.

Don't wait until you have a full blown heart attack, get yourself to A&E as soon as you start feeling the symptoms again. At the very least they can test for a heart attack and possibly rule one out. When you go, take all your meds and mention to who ever you see that you have been referred to the cardiologist, you need to make sure they do the tests and not just put it down to heart burn and indigestion.

Hope they get you sorted and you feel better soon.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
i was referred to cardiologist in sept and had an echo and nuclear scan. and need more testing. however since last scan in jan, had swollen painful legs, fatigue, and even milder activity causer problems with short breath and now lightheaded more recently.

I went to my gp who said wel do some basic bloods and go from there and one of them hba1c was up a bit so have increased metformin from today.

but seemed to want to get me out the room after that. even when I asked about more about my symptoms getting worse he said your metformin will help that.

is it all to do with diabetes


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@tigeress77 unfortunately we cant diagnose you, we can only suggest you. It could be coz of diabetes or may be not, only the doc will be able to confirm it. Are your bg's well controlled normally? your a1c's look ok from your signature but again we are not docs. I would go to A&E and get it checked.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I had just one of your symptoms back in the Summer - chest pain. I went to A&E and they were wonderful. I would definitely (well I did!) go there to get it checked out, especially as you have new symptoms too.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Chest pain, breathlessness and swollen ankles need investigating NOW, don't wait get yourself to A&E or call an ambulance, could be db related but without an ecg its impossible to tell, better safe than sorry,
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Hope you're not reading this just now as that might suggest you've done as others have suggested. Those issues need address immediately


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Hope you are in hospitala d being treated...


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Too right, get to a&e asap. If it's nothing the worst that can happen is you may feel a little embarrassed, but if it is serious it could be too late. The staff wont judge you either way. GPs are told to deal with only one syptom per appointment, so if you are asking about a couple of things they tend to put you off unless you have booked 2 appointments. They allow 8mins per time.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well I have been diagnose diabete type 2 back in 2011 than 2 months after I had a mini infactus heart attack but I had many years with chest pain. I had a surgery and Dr's put open clog artery by placing a sting put me on Metformin and heart pills. I use to be a martial art practicioner and a jogger. I wroke up one day. I stopped Metformin I use to have bad ECG reading. My reading got back to normal . Now I am getting Natural treatment and exercise everyday at night before to sleep. I use to feel my body tingling when I eat sweets no more of that I am now fighting to get my sugar as low as possible


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I was fobbed off by doctors ,3 October 2011 had first symptons of heart problems ,loads of angina attacks cold sweats and aching jaw had to wait till 24th November 2011 and I had an angiogram , turns out one of my coronary arteries was 99% blocked the rest blocked to a certain degree!! A long story very short I never left the hospital till I had a quadruple heart bypass which certainly saved my life at the tender age of 52!! The original cardiac nurse specialist who I saw originall back in Oct , pretty much admitted I slipped through the net .My advice next time you have symptons I would ring 999 and let the paramedics make the decision.If they take you to hospital you won't be released till a proper diagnosis has been of luck and don't take no for an answer


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks everyone. Sorry not replied before. Bit have been really struggling health wise. All this heart issues is affecting my seizures. Unfortunatelu i have had to wait since feb to see cardiogist next. I see him on june 25. It cant come quick enough. More n more problems. I only have a gtn spray and beta blocker.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks everyone. Sorry not replied before. Bit have been really struggling health wise. All this heart issues is affecting my seizures. Unfortunatelu i have had to wait since feb to see cardiogist next. I see him on june 25. It cant come quick enough. More n more problems. I only have a gtn spray and beta blocker.

good hear from you tigeress! I do hope you get help to get better.

My advice next time you have symptons I would ring 999 and let the paramedics make the decision.If they take you to hospital you won't be released till a proper
Yes, agreed. Good advise.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. Sorry not replied before. Bit have been really struggling health wise. All this heart issues is affecting my seizures. Unfortunatelu i have had to wait since feb to see cardiogist next. I see him on june 25. It cant come quick enough. More n more problems. I only have a gtn spray and beta blocker.
Hi. Do you have the phone number of the cardiologist's secretary? It is well worth getting to know this person -- they may be able to tweak appointments, they can listen to more personalized accounts, they remember names, they can keep an eye out for cancellations etc. Learn their first name and drop it in whenever you can, ask them how they are, say they must be very busy and you understand, etc.