Reactive Hypoglycaemia


Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
I hate people that drive selfishly/inconsiderately. Also, I hate getting up early (mainly because I sleep so badly !)
Hi @Rootitoot

As a newly diagnosed T2, you do not need to have such a restricted lifestyle as I do.
You will need to restrict the amount of carbs and sugars.

Milk is lactose, which is a sugar, any variations are just as bad, except full fat, but even that contains sugars. Cream is lower in sugar and carbs, butter is very good. Anything low fat or reduced fat is misleading because instead of 'good' fats they replace it with produced sugars, which again are not good for blood glucose levels. And of course control.

I cannot tolerate milk or dairy as it makes me ill even though tests have proved that I'm not lactose intolerant!

Porridge sends my blood glucose levels high. But only testing will let you know wether you are or not. Water with porridge is preferable and rolled oats are better than the ones you get in the shops. You have to discover what you can tolerate by using a meter.

Also sweeteners can raise your bloods a little.

Hope this helps.

Thank you - your info is really helpful... it's certainly a steep learning curve and I feel a bit like a pin cushion at the moment as I seem to be checking for everything !... and certainly the porridge shot my levels up to 20 ! I wondered if non dairy./ lacto free milk might be better as there seem to be lots on the market ? I suppose it will just take time. Thanks again :>)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Thank you - your info is really helpful... it's certainly a steep learning curve and I feel a bit like a pin cushion at the moment as I seem to be checking for everything !... and certainly the porridge shot my levels up to 20 ! I wondered if non dairy./ lacto free milk might be better as there seem to be lots on the market ? I suppose it will just take time. Thanks again :>)
Hi Roo,
If the porridge spiked your BS so dramatically, I strongly doubt it to be the milk's fault...
My max milk consumption per day is about 3-4 teaspoons of full fat, just to dilute a bit the double cream I use in coffee/tea, as otherwise my quite strong coffees are too overpowering...
I can't eat any cereal made products, except for the few grains of barley pearl cooked into some soups I have to eat while doing 13 hrs shifts, to keep myself afloat, and even those I can feel as they give a bit of lightheadedness for a couple of minutes, which I learned to avoid by mixing some more pure chicken stock into the heating cup.
Actually yesterday, I accidentally realised how great brazil nuts can replace bread when snacking celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, cheese, cold meats etc. I had them handy while snacking on my break at work, and I had one while eating. It was really great, as the other bits took off the oily taste of the nuts, making the whole absolutely lovely, nothing less then when eating with crackers or similar. It was the first best mix since I had to give up all cereal products a few months ago ;-)
Take care,
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Rootitoot - I have to second @MosheBenYehuda on the subject of porrige - if you read at diabetes forums for very long, it turns out to be one of the foods that seem to pretty consistently spike Type 2's very high. I've found that the GI index is pretty useless when it comes to grains - they all spike me.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thank you - your info is really helpful... it's certainly a steep learning curve and I feel a bit like a pin cushion at the moment as I seem to be checking for everything !... and certainly the porridge shot my levels up to 20 ! I wondered if non dairy./ lacto free milk might be better as there seem to be lots on the market ? I suppose it will just take time. Thanks again :>)
It all depends on your taste buds!
I agree with Moshe and Indy, I have to avoid all grains, so finding another breakfast might be beneficial!.
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Hello everyone. Im new to this forum see my question "hypo symptoms ongoing 20 years not diabetic "
I'm not diagnosed with RH yet I will be seeing the dr Monday to ask questions and for tests. Hope he knows his stuff as this sounds rare.
My question is how do you get fibre? With no carbs and I'm sure if I ate too much fruit the sugar would affect me. I put on weight when I eat fruit.
Thanks in advance.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hello everyone. Im new to this forum see my question "hypo symptoms ongoing 20 years not diabetic "
I'm not diagnosed with RH yet I will be seeing the dr Monday to ask questions and for tests. Hope he knows his stuff as this sounds rare.
My question is how do you get fibre? With no carbs and I'm sure if I ate too much fruit the sugar would affect me. I put on weight when I eat fruit.
Thanks in advance.
You will find that the natural foods that you eat will be helping your body adjust to the new lifestyle. If you find that isn't enough, then there are supplements, that you might try. Eating full fat is really good, like cream, butter, Greek yoghurt plain,
I am fortunate not to require them.
Fruit is a problem, as I do love a bit off fruit, berries are ok and if you have small pieces of other fruit throughout the day, that's what I do, I share with the wife!
Usually tropical fruit and bananas are the worst for control.
But you do have to try and test.

Do not eat anything that is low or no fat or reduced sugar or no sugar added. As they do contain too much sugar..

Hope this helps!
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Make sure you record everything and take it to the doctors and try and convince him for a referral to a specialist in Hypoglycaemia!
You are now able to pick your consultant, wherever they practice! I have to travel 2 hours to see mine in Manchester.
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I do not have diabetes
That makes sense thanks. All trial and error I guess.
Should I carry on eating as normal until I see my gp to show him further results? I'm guessing they don't rely on home tests anyway and will only go by the actual tests.
What was the 72 hour fast like, does it affect you? It seems like such a long time.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
That makes sense thanks. All trial and error I guess.
Should I carry on eating as normal until I see my gp to show him further results? I'm guessing they don't rely on home tests anyway and will only go by the actual tests.
What was the 72 hour fast like, does it affect you? It seems like such a long time.

I would start do a bit of both if honest to show what happens when you eat carbs and when you don't!
If your GP is unsure and if you can persuade him of what is happening, then if he is competent, he should refer you.
If you can arrange a hypo to coincide with your appointment, that would be better!
Only joking! ;)

Yes only tests will convince them. Probably a prolonged Oral glucose test, would be first.
Followed by a 72 hour fasting to eliminate other pancreatic conditions.
There is other tests done by bloods during an OGTT! C peptide and plasma.

The 72 (80 in my case!) Hour test was strangely ok. After the first day I kept myself busy reading, walking, having family visits. The stuff they called food, I couldn't have ate anyway! The stink:confused:!!! Didn't have hunger issues, as I had already started low carb. If you ignore the state of some wards,then it wasn't that bad!:nurse::dead::arghh::stop:!:bookworm:

My story is posted on 'According to my consultant' and an update is on 'According to my consultant 2015'. I think you might find my hospital stay was on another thread, that is mentioned in the first thread I said!:)
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I do not have diabetes
I did a 2 hour glucose test before, it was supposed to be 4 hours and they stopped it, maybe my results were ok or miscommunication with my dr. I didnt feel affected in that time.
Ha ha, I think I was having a hypo the time i was told it was a panic attack. But often the walk down the road puts me in a mild one. I often wondered if it was knowinv my gp would send me away put me in a panic, saying everything in 5 minutes is not easy.
I recall a neurologist saying I had hypoglycaemic symptoms in 2007 but he couldn't have known much as fasting tests normal and not taken further. Thanks for the advice its great.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I did a 2 hour glucose test before, it was supposed to be 4 hours and they stopped it, maybe my results were ok or miscommunication with my dr. I didnt feel affected in that time.
Ha ha, I think I was having a hypo the time i was told it was a panic attack. But often the walk down the road puts me in a mild one. I often wondered if it was knowinv my gp would send me away put me in a panic, saying everything in 5 minutes is not easy.
I recall a neurologist saying I had hypoglycaemic symptoms in 2007 but he couldn't have known much as fasting tests normal and not taken further. Thanks for the advice its great.
A 2 hours test is used for diabetes, not hypoglycaemia!
Put the onus on your experience of hypos and your self testing will be valuable in your argument.
Panics are a symptom of Hypoglycaemia!
My fasting blood glucose levels are always in the normal range! They don't go anywhere when I'm in control! The thing about being hypoglycaemic is that your fasting blood remains in the normal no matter how long you fast!
Being continually in control is the reason why you will feel good and healthy and have extra energy levels. It is the hyper followed by the hypo that makes all the symptoms so awful!
So we RH ers don't hyper intentionally, so no hypo!
And as insurance, we eat small meals throughout the day! So even if we head towards hypo, it is prevented by the intake of low carb.
I try to fast at least once a week, to help my body recover from the never ending eating cycle!
It also gives my liver and pancreas a well deserved rest!
Having excess insulin in your blood, an extra walk, will help greatly, you don't have to exercise physically to reduce your blood glucose levels!
In fact, if you do a lot of exercise it is important to reduce your carbs sufficiently to overcome the impact of high levels!
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I do not have diabetes
Even housework wears me out and the school run. I've never been sporty not sure why, just never had the energy. So that doesn't help plus the exhaustion of my hypothyroid and vitD defiency. Its amazing i get anything done lol And now i realise i was also having highs and lows and prob over doing the choc to not feel bad. Cor my poor body
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Even housework wears me out and the school run. I've never been sporty not sure why, just never had the energy. So that doesn't help plus the exhaustion of my hypothyroid and vitD defiency. Its amazing i get anything done lol And now i realise i was also having highs and lows and prob over doing the choc to not feel bad. Cor my poor body

That's how I felt, so tired, so sleepy,so not ***** so awake at night, ******!
Panics, no confidence, no energy, confused and fog brained!
Not now!
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Yep pretty much me. Good to know there's a way out. And after reading your story well done you fighting it all the way.
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I saw my gp today gave him the print out of my home tests. Waking average 5.3 between 4.6 and 6 once a 7. Start feeling ill 4.5 or lower and on the drop from a high. Only had one bad attack which was a 3.3 and i know I've been worse in the past. 1 hour after eating sometimes not raised sometimes between 9 and 10.4 once 11 dropping to 7-8 2 hours after, then 4-5 hours later 4.5 -4.2.
Gp says looks normal, hypoglycaemia is diagnosed at 2 (which i had 10 years ago but lost those results) my blood sugar is high possibly prediabetes and the 11 is actually high enough to be considered diabetes. And hypoglycaemia doesn't just start. I handed him my own medical history notes and said I've always felt this way, I've seen neurologists and nothing followed up, I've been putting on weight since having my boy 2&1/2 years ago and in a few years you'll be putting it down to weight, age and pre menopause. I need answers now, please could you test me for reactive hypoglycaemia. He again stated results normal but he'd look through my medical history. I didn't get sent for any tests..... even though he said possible pre diabetes.


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I do not have diabetes
I forgot to mention had readings of 3.7 and 3.9 a couple of times 4-5 hours after eating. They tend to stay that way for about an hour I've never left it longer than 6 hours. I've only been testing a month.


Retired Moderator
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Type 2
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Diet only
I saw my gp today gave him the print out of my home tests. Waking average 5.3 between 4.6 and 6 once a 7. Start feeling ill 4.5 or lower and on the drop from a high. Only had one bad attack which was a 3.3 and i know I've been worse in the past. 1 hour after eating sometimes not raised sometimes between 9 and 10.4 once 11 dropping to 7-8 2 hours after, then 4-5 hours later 4.5 -4.2.
Gp says looks normal, hypoglycaemia is diagnosed at 2 (which i had 10 years ago but lost those results) my blood sugar is high possibly prediabetes and the 11 is actually high enough to be considered diabetes. And hypoglycaemia doesn't just start. I handed him my own medical history notes and said I've always felt this way, I've seen neurologists and nothing followed up, I've been putting on weight since having my boy 2&1/2 years ago and in a few years you'll be putting it down to weight, age and pre menopause. I need answers now, please could you test me for reactive hypoglycaemia. He again stated results normal but he'd look through my medical history. I didn't get sent for any tests..... even though he said possible pre diabetes.

This is the exact same conversation I have had with different doctors. Except back in those days I had no BG evidence to prove my point. I was always dismissed. Heaven knows what they wrote on my notes. I should think 'argumentative hypochondriac' and 'melodramatic neurotic' are the least of it!

Keep going. Keep pushing. If you hear nothing back, ask for a second opinion and a 5 hour Oral Glucose Tolerance Test.

Me? I gave up with doctors and learned to manage by diet - but please dont do that! keep trying. Nowadays, at least there are a few doctors who have heard of the condition, and the occasional consultant who is interested.
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I do not have diabetes
I hear you. Thats the weird thing its mostly diet control anyway but if a dr just said it less sugar you're cured, how annoying is that. This is real. Diabetes is a serious condition but this is brushed off. I've been trying to convince different gp for years and neurologists always ask when& what triggers. I've not been able to induse a hypo. It just happens. Definitely hypochondriac. plus hypothyroid and muscle weakness hopefully just my vitD too soon to tell.
I had a 2 hour glucose test, and im sure a couple of others.
Hopefully he'll look at my past results, even if he said i was borderline that would be helpful, they never tell you that even with symptoms.
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