To know cause of diabetes


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello Sir,

I am type 1 diabetic since last one year got it at very early stage at age of 27 only. Take insulin regularly. I always think why was me into this. My sugar level are present under 150 and post meal under 200 now.
Here's what I suspect cause of diabetes - - I don't have symbol of BCG on my arm. I am not sure if I was given this during my childhood. I know this is actually for TB given during childhood. I have got type 1 diabetes, initially my immune system was not that good before getting to diabetes but I never reported it. It takes 20 to 30 min to clear my stomach early morning. Can this may be reason it impacted my immune system and finally got to diabetes if I won't be given BCG during early stage. I am 28 years old now and I see mark on each ones hand of BCG. Can taking of BCG now regenerate my insulin producing cells in my pancreas. I read somewhere on Internet that BCG vaccination can help to regenerate pancreas beta cells and can help cure Type 1 diabetes. Can this one really help me. I am out of Pune so not able to visit clinic. Can you help me understand.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I think the normal BCG and the experiments with the BCG vaccine to prevent Type 1 are two different things ( same vaccine but used very differently). I had the BCG vaccination and I still got Type 1.

Nobody knows exactly what causes Type 1. If you have a search on this forum you'll find threads where people put their ideas. There are a number of suspects - cows milk, wheat, viruses, etc etc.

You'll need to wait for more trials on the BCG vaccine. There is no cure yet, but there is a lot of work going on to try to find one :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
But I am the one who got it at very early stage at age of 26 - 27 so really want to know cause behind it. As being Indian wheat, milk, rice are required food to sustain and have energy. I am really getting frustrated with Type 1, everyday injecting insulin thrice day. Do you know any expertise who can guide me with this?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
No definite cause has been found yet. Sadly, people of all ages can get Type 1 and we dont yet know why. Babies can get it, children, teenagers, young adults - and even much older adults. I know it's frustrating not to know why you got it, but there is no answer yet, I'm afraid.

Do you see a consultant at the hospital? Do you have a good medical team who can help you and support you?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Yes I have consulted many MD doctors they can just guide to take insulin and have proper diet and exercise. I follow that, but every time it keeps hitting my life how long will I survive I have got lot of responsibilities in life. Got married 3 years back and have 1 year child now and bank loan of my new flat, taking care of parents since I am the only source of income in my family. It keeps me bothering what if I won't be?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hiya, I fully understand your fears, I have heard many reasons why some us get type 1 but not enough research has been done to establish fully the reasons why, JDRF are the only organisation I am aware of who actively conducts research into type 1. I think when newly diagnosed we go through a period of mourning for our lost health and realisation that there is a lifetime dependence with a self administered daily insulin regime. Please try to see the positives though as we have excellent tools to help us maintain our blood glucose levels, but if your lifestyle permits reducing your carbohydrate intake will reduce your blood glucose spikes as well as the amount of quick acting insulin required, which reduces opportunity for error if you are taking quick acting insulin for your food intake.

My advice is read as much as you can and become an expert, the better you can manage your type 1 then the longer and the healthier your life will be.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People who.kock diabetes
Hi Nilu_423 I have no answer for what causes diabetes but have been type1 for over 53 years and I am 67 years old and only have a couple of very minor complications,having good blood/glucose control on the least amount of insulin possible to maintain these levels and as Juiceyj says become a expert on your own diabetes as each and everyone is different.Good Luck


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Sure Yingtong. I will get more focus on managing my sugar levels. Coming on this forum really makes me feel that I am not alone on this way, there are several. I wish researchers could get something for permanent cure of diabetes so people like us will have a sigh of relief from this daily pain.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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People who.kock diabetes
I've been waiting for over 53 years for a cure,when I was diagnosed I was told it was just around the corner,but I must admit that in the past 10 years there have been massive steps in the right direction,saying that I don't think I will see it in my lifetime,but you may well.
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Type of diabetes
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Hi. There is a lot of global research going on to try to find the causes of T1 but it is already known that there are many so it's not simple. All you can do when you become T1 is to have the insulin and manage it. At least it's a condition you can manage; there are so many other conditions where there is no treatment.
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