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  1. Tawfiq

    Thank you for all the helpful information on this forum

    It is been around a month when diagnosed with T2 diabetes. 43 years .I remember how awful it felt in the beginning hard to describe and really don’t like to talk to friends or people I know about it. Found this forum on google am glad I did, the wealth of useful info and to see others with...
  2. Tawfiq

    Starting a keto diet

    After been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last week . And after recovering from the shock I decided to start a keto diet which I did few years ago to lose weight. It did work back than and lost around 20kg. But failed to maintain the weight and came back to the old habits and eventually put...
  3. Tawfiq

    My weight watch and diet journey to beat diabetes.

    Saturday 21/11/2020 Hi this my first post in this forum I have decided to go on a ketone diet starting Monday 23/11/22 because the doctors said I have type 2 diabetes the sugar level came 101 and normal is 50! Which came as a shock to me as I am in good health and have no known diabetes...