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  1. J

    To the drs tomorrow

    hi not really had much problems this last year but the pain in my feet and legs is just to much for me know. Not a lot slows me down but this does. They are 99% stone cold, a little bit of relief when in bed. Hoping for some answers from my doc, shes always been good with me. cheers All the...
  2. J

    Feel rough today

    hi I had a water infection again. Just getting over it and starting to feel a bit fresher. This must be the 6th time in a year I have had this and its about the only thing that can really knock me of my feet and keep me in bed. The doc' said it comes with diabetes and I admit that I canot...
  3. J

    Feel rough today

    hi I have not posted much because generally I have been feeling OK. I am type2 and hover between 6 & 8. My meter says the average is 7.4. Today was totally different and I look and feel awful. My boss was with me and he said I went pale within seconds, I got the shakes and blured vision. I had...
  4. J


    I've just come of statins after talking to my doctor. I feel 100% better and my family say its like having the old me back.
  5. J

    Hi, new kid on the block..

    Hi just an update. My latest hb1ac was 6.0, down from 17.6, and my cholesterol was 3.6, down from 6.7. I've lost 14lb. My wife has changed my diet, I still enjoy the food she cooks and its a lot healthier. The only downside is the medication I was on. rosuvastatin 40mg valsartan 80mg I've...
  6. J

    What happened tonight

    hi still getting used to having diabetes t2. We have the food pretty much sorted and my bg levels are always between 6-8. I feel pretty much ok, however tonight I got realy hungry and felt a bit dizzy. My wife made me some scrambled egg,this didnt help. Then she did me some crackers, still...
  7. J


    hi I can usually take anything but since being on Simvastatin the aches in my legs have terrible. I am back to my doctor next week to look at other options. She has told me to stop taking it for the time being.
  8. J

    Hi, new kid on the block..

    hi I think I might be hanging around here soon if thats OK. Bare with me please because this is all new to me. I went to the docs yesterday because I thought I had a water infection. She tested my sample and said it was high in sugar, then tested my blood and the reading was 17.6. She then said...