Search Results

  1. jhncookie

    Type 2 Contour Next test strips

    My chemist has told me he is finding it hard to get my Contour Next test strips! He explained it was a manufacturing problem. Has anyone else had this problem? He said he will contact me when they are in to complete my prescription.
  2. jhncookie

    Loss of taste

    Hi, I've lost my taste. I can't seem to enjoy my food anymore, it's like putting cardboard in my mouth. I've been a T2 since 2002 and on insulin for about 4 years. Has anyone else had this problem??
  3. jhncookie

    Hi from a Type 2

    Hi, I was diagnosed with T2 in 2002 and have been taking metforming and gliclazide, I have also been on insulin for about 4 years. I had heart surgery in 2004 and had a TIA November last year. I seem to be managing my bloods well. Looking forward to see what comes up on this forum.