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  1. H

    Diabetes PA iPhone app

    Posts reported to admin as they need to get the IT guys to fix the bugs. Hope they manage it soon as it looks such a good app, and like you was really geared up to using it. As well as bug fixes they don't appear to have tested it across all platforms either. Fingers crossed.
  2. H

    Diabetes PA iPhone app

    Not sure if this is a senior moment but ........ I can add any round number for a BG reading but the app does not appear to accept the , on the iPhone automated keyboard. I want to input my FBG this morning of 5.6. (yay it's come down!!!!). But it will only accept a 5 or a 6.
  3. H

    Oh no, hormones again .......

    Makes sense, thanks.
  4. H

    Oh no, hormones again .......

    Not sure. Had my first taste of cheese this week today so let's see. Good to know we are all so different.!
  5. H

    Oh no, hormones again .......

    Thanks. It just seems weird that my body (insulating) fat has plummeted as has my visceral (around organ ) fat and my lean body mass has increased. To me logically this reduction in insulation should be having the opposite effect on my flushes. I was low fat for nearly 40 years (gallstones)...
  6. H

    Oh no, hormones again .......

    OK BG now normal, weight down drastically, exercising like mad and continuing LCHF approach to food. So why have my hot flushes returned with a vengeance? I was getting 1 or 2. every 8weeks or so, now 6-7 per 24 hours. Is there a link here somewhere that I am missing?
  7. H

    Type 1 Excuse my ignorance but .......

    Thanks. Your reply makes far more sense than her doctor who assures here it's ok to eat what she wants. I am T2 with normal levels now but know if I stray back high carbs I soon know about it. Thanks for the response.
  8. H

    Type 1 Excuse my ignorance but .......

    Yes she is T1 on insulin
  9. H

    Type 1 Excuse my ignorance but .......

    a little concerned about my cousin who assures me she 'can eat absolutely anything' as long as she exercises appropriately. She does seem well controlled but are there any long term implications in this approach?
  10. H

    "Pre-Diabetic" - 8000 Questions

    I am no expert and can only say what worked for me. I now have normal BS levels and am 30pounds down in weight. Exercise: still working like mad on that one six days per week. I was advised to do cv stuff AND weights as the positive effects from the latter last while I have an easier day...
  11. H

    Shops for low carb?

    I found some sweet potato noodles in a Chinese supermarket in Chinatown that are fine for me. Never found reasonable prices for the almond flour but live in hope.
  12. H

    Desparately need answers

    I can identify with hunger and food craving and it is awful. I have reversed T2 and no longer crave food at all. My carb intake is still very low, all low fat/fat free stuff is banned and I exercise like mad. I eat bread perhaps twice a week, in small quantities and only home made sourdough...
  13. H

    T2's Out of Interest How did your Diagnosis Come About?

    I was trekking abroad and had some blurred vision, itchy skin and some skin irritation which I initially thought was due to the heat. Got a friend to do a BS and the rest they say is history.
  14. H

    High reading

    I am a newbie and learning fast but have just managed to reverse type II with LCHF diet, fasting alternate days for 3 months and a punishing exercise regime. Walking makes no difference to my BG. 30 minutes hard workout on a X trainer at level 10 followed by a 5k run on a treadmill at 1%...
  15. H

    information about bread

    Do you make the sesame flour yourself? Current husband makes all our bread using a local sourdough starter and either spelt or rye flour plus linseeds and I am ok with both in moderation. Intrigued by the sesame though as I love the flavour
  16. H

    Crispy Kale goodness

    We grow our own so no supply problem and we have done our own vegetable crisps for ages. Super to read all the different flavours/spices etc. Food for thought literally. Thanks everyone. Will try the oven too as the dehydrator does take a while. Cucumber crisps are good too.
  17. H

    Prediabetes Fasting and blood results

    Many thanks. Yes I agree it makes more sense to lose weight first and worry about blood tests later. Will try your suggestion of harmless snacks on fast days to stave off liver dumps. I must admit I find it easier not eating at all on fast days but happy to investigate alternatives. The...
  18. H

    Prediabetes Fasting and blood results

    I originally had BG around 18 when trekking in the States, discovered as I recognised symptoms including blurred vision. Have been fasting alternate days since January. Weight loss over 2 stone. Have a glucose meter and know which foods spike my sugar levels. Upped exercise to 5 days weekly...