Search Results

  1. D

    Bad day? Bloods = Yoyo!

    Hi Just looking for a little advise from you knowledgeable bunch ;) Background - Diagnosed as LADA in August. Metformin and gliclazide brought my blood sugar right down over 4 months. I am now only on Metformin as gliclazide was pulling my sugars under 4 quite often. No need for insulin as the...
  2. D

    Newly diagnosed, eye focus!?!?

    Hello I was diagnosed last week after feeling tired and under the weather on top of a 3st weight loss. My A1C came back as an average of 19. I'm on 40mg of gliclazide twice a day which is to double if no improvement after a week and 500mg twice a day, increasing to 1000mgvtwice a day over the...