Search Results

  1. garethnpc

    Lost hypo awareness?!

    Every case is different, but I have found that having a dose of levemir before the time it takes for rapid to kick in can induce hypos in the night, as I tend to eat quite late I have had to wait up before having my levemir, usually 2 to 2 1/2 hours. I would definitely recommend going to the...
  2. garethnpc

    Diabetic Ketoacidosis - A wake up call

    Yes I think every case is different, in some people their pancreas will still produce a small level of insulin especially in the first tages of type 1, others have faster metabolisms, or other medical issues such as dental problems or a stomach ulcer can attribute to problems. Ive had my scare...
  3. garethnpc

    Diabetic Ketoacidosis - A wake up call

    Hello :) Well there wasn't any specific reason, I suppose because I was feeling fine in myself for so long, that I just got out of habits, like glucose testing, I wasn't doing it at all at one point as I was sure as I was feeling fine I was managing with the doses I was doing. The sugary foods...
  4. garethnpc

    Diabetic Ketoacidosis - A wake up call

    I have had type 1 diabetes since 2007, I'm 35 now and haven't had what you would call any serious complications since diagnosis. Then just over a month ago, I went to visit the doctors to see about my heartburn and not being able to keep food down, and after a quick blood test I was sent to...
  5. garethnpc

    Expert monitor

    Yes keep us updated as Im still deciding which meter to go for myself. Currently trying the abbot insulinx and the Glucomen LX+. Just want a the most accurate reading as possible the rest doesnt really matter
  6. garethnpc

    Best Blood Glucose Testing Meter?

    I can see the positives with it linking to a pump, still sceptical about changing from insulin pens at the moment though. How does it work with the iphone/ipod then?
  7. garethnpc

    Expert monitor

    Could be on about this? ... xpert.html I notice that surgeries tend to use the Accu-Cheks
  8. garethnpc

    Best Blood Glucose Testing Meter?

    You are probably right there Kelly lol :) iHs...Thanks for the tip. I have the insulinx and it has been a good meter up until recently when I have compared my results taken at the same time on other meters just to check the accuracy and it has given me higher and more random readings than the...
  9. garethnpc

    Using a new blood-glucose meter

    Hiya :) Ive had similar problems myself. When changing from my old meter to a new one, I was testing with both to check accuracy. The new meter I had (Glucomen LXplus) was giving lower results, and the older meter (Insulinx) was slightly higher, more diverese results like on your new one. I...
  10. garethnpc

    How old were you when you were diagnosed?

    Nearly 6 years ago now, May 2007. 27 Years old, had thirst and weight loss problems for weeks. Went to the GP on a friday night who instead of letting me go to a planned party, sent me straight to hospital because my BG reading was " almost off the scale". Stayed in over the weekend, watched my...
  11. garethnpc

    Best Blood Glucose Testing Meter?

    Yeh i know what you mean, can be hard to find a balance when there are lifestyle changes, the work il be doing more of soon is outdoor physical, and with playing football its difficult sometimes to find consistent results, but it ets easier when your used to it. This is why its good to have a...
  12. garethnpc

    Best Blood Glucose Testing Meter?

    Hi kelly, I cant say Ive heard of that one but il look it up thanks :) Did you buy it? I think its good to find one good one that your comfortable with and stick with it
  13. garethnpc

    Success so soon....

    Thats the ratio I use with my bolus injections, and I have 20 units for my basal around 10-11pm. It seems to be working well and my doctor/specialist agree. Hardest part is temptation to old habits and over eating suar on a hypo but all comes with time doesnt it. Glad youre feeling good about it...
  14. garethnpc

    Best Blood Glucose Testing Meter?

    Yeh that usb software looks pretty decent, I might enquire about a meter from Bayer like you said. Carol I use injections but have been looking into if a pump would benefit me, does the information from the software go on the pump and it works out a dosage? Not sure about letting something else...
  15. garethnpc

    Best Blood Glucose Testing Meter?

    I have heard of the Contour USB meter, I may give it a go as I do need easy to use software to record 3 months of results for my LGV licence application to the DVLA. The insulinX is pretty good but theyve overcomplicated the software a bit. I must admit I dont really trust using a machine to...
  16. garethnpc

    Best Blood Glucose Testing Meter?

    Hello people :D Ive been diabetic for 6 years now and have gone through quite a few different meters, mostly sent to me through promotion or giveaway. The two I am deciding between now are the InsulinX by abbot, basically a touch screen version, and A Glucomen LXplus by menarini which reads...