10 Weeks on Keto Results


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Rude People! Animal Cruelty
OK so I've been to see my Diabetic nurse today and well I'm chuffed!! I better give some background first. I was diagnosed in 2010 and never really recieved much help or support for the first 6 years. My HbA1c were in their 90's and daily blood glucose testing were around 18/22 mmol. I piled on weight and almost hit 19 stone. My doctor said I wasnt gonna live past 40 so I packed in smoking then asked for help with my diabetes. After a while he sent me to a diabetic nurse that actually gave a hoot. She talked to me about food and nutrition and I finally understood what was happening with my body. She suggested low carb but after reading lots about it I decided low carb wasn't enough at 150g so took it down to 30g per day.

HbA1c is down to 51!!!
Colesteral down to 3.3
Triglycerides down to 0.7

AND ...

I've lost over a stone and a half.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tremendous result. Am equally chuffed, on your behalf.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Rude People! Animal Cruelty
Thanks for the support guys.

Got a bit of an update and it's not a super one like the last.

So after all my good results my diabetic nurse decided to take me off one of my meds Gliczide. She warned me that my bloods may go up a little. So I went ahead and stopped the meds and to help reduced carbs from 30 to 20 hoping this would help.

Well ...... My bloods did indeed go up at their highest 15 but on average around 10 and they just don't want to come back down. They seem to hover around that number all day and my other meds seem to be having little or no effect. I get up around 7 test and it's 9 or 10. By 11 still fasting they are around 12. I just can't for the hell of me understand why they arnt coming down I'm on 20g or below carbs and the weight is coming off nicely but my bloods are being stubborn. I'm taking supplements as advised potassium, Magnesium, Multi Vits and having a drink of apple cider vinager once or twice a day and don't see any difference.

Anyone else had this issue? I guess I'm doing something wrong but I just can't think what. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm really starting to get down about it.

Thanks Dawny xxx


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Rude People! Animal Cruelty
I walk an hour every morning before I eat. But that's about it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
How long have you been off the meds?
Maybe try changing your eating window? Have a fatty breakfast and lunch then skip dinner see if that makes a difference.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Rude People! Animal Cruelty
I've been off then around 4 weeks now. I sometimes miss brekky and have a slightly earlier lunch. I will try anything I really want to see these numbers down. Funny thing is tho and I've just realised this ... I've had a headache for the last 3 or 4 weeks too. I wake up with it and go bed with it. Just can't shift that either. Wonder if there is a link.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Rude People! Animal Cruelty
I'm drinking around 8 large glasses of water a day. I think they would be around 400ml per glass. As for salt I've been trying to cook with it. I'm not a great fan of lots of salt on my dinner buy I've been trying. I had half an oxo cube today to try and boost my levels may try doing it every morning see if it helps.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
If the meds work to help you control BG and don't stop you losing weight, why not just ask your GP if you can go back on them?

(With 6 years of uncontrolled Type2 in your past, you may never be able to be med free, but keto will clearly allow you to avoid insulin for a lot longer.)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I've been off then around 4 weeks now. I sometimes miss brekky and have a slightly earlier lunch. I will try anything I really want to see these numbers down. Funny thing is tho and I've just realised this ... I've had a headache for the last 3 or 4 weeks too. I wake up with it and go bed with it. Just can't shift that either. Wonder if there is a link.

Re the headache, it's just possible that you have an illness, which can often raise your blood sugar as your body fights it.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for the support guys.

Got a bit of an update and it's not a super one like the last.

So after all my good results my diabetic nurse decided to take me off one of my meds Gliczide. She warned me that my bloods may go up a little. So I went ahead and stopped the meds and to help reduced carbs from 30 to 20 hoping this would help.

Well ...... My bloods did indeed go up at their highest 15 but on average around 10 and they just don't want to come back down. They seem to hover around that number all day and my other meds seem to be having little or no effect. I get up around 7 test and it's 9 or 10. By 11 still fasting they are around 12. I just can't for the hell of me understand why they arnt coming down I'm on 20g or below carbs and the weight is coming off nicely but my bloods are being stubborn. I'm taking supplements as advised potassium, Magnesium, Multi Vits and having a drink of apple cider vinager once or twice a day and don't see any difference.

Anyone else had this issue? I guess I'm doing something wrong but I just can't think what. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm really starting to get down about it.

Thanks Dawny xxx

I experienced not being able to get my fasting bgs below around 10 when I came off meds and tried to manage things naturally. For me, the constitution of the diet didn't seem to make any difference, but a period of very significant calorie restriction (estimate between 900 to 1200 calories a day for about a week) did lower things pretty sharpish.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Rude People! Animal Cruelty
If the meds work to help you control BG and don't stop you losing weight, why not just ask your GP if you can go back on them?

(With 6 years of uncontrolled Type2 in your past, you may never be able to be med free, but keto will clearly allow you to avoid insulin for a lot longer.)
I'm already on insulin but only a small dose of long acting 14 mg. The nurse took me off the meds because I was getting nightly hypos and a few in the day. She started with the gliczide because apparently it's the worst for your health. I had asked for the insulin to be stopped instead but she said that wasn't as bad for me. I have another 4 months to wait to see the diabetes specialist at the hospital and without sounding a ***** my GP is useless.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Rude People! Animal Cruelty
I experienced not being able to get my fasting bgs below around 10 when I came off meds and tried to manage things naturally. For me, the constitution of the diet didn't seem to make any difference, but a period of very significant calorie restriction (estimate between 900 to 1200 calories a day for about a week) did lower things pretty sharpish.
I will give it a try thanks AdamJames. Seeing my numbers normal for 10 weeks then jump up again has really bothered me. Maybe I'm just looking for too much too soon but I just want to get better.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I will give it a try thanks AdamJames. Seeing my numbers normal for 10 weeks then jump up again has really bothered me. Maybe I'm just looking for too much too soon but I just want to get better.


I know what you mean, getting great results then seeing them run away is incredibly demoralising. It's happened to me a few times. A couple of months ago I had a great run of morning (fasting) bgs, and I'm struggling to repeat that. I've even got notes about what I was doing at the time, and repeating is helping but not getting down to quite the same level!

It's swings and roundabouts, I suspect I'll get a good run again and wonder what the hell I did to achieve it.

We'll get there in the end, chin up, etc! :)