Conflicting results and different GPs


Well-Known Member
Intolerance, airports, having to plan my meals
After being ,diagnosed as T2 a few years back, and then after an oral glucose test being told I was pre diabetic instead, I have gone back yearly for a HBA1c. This year, which has been somewhat stressful, my HBA1c was up a quite a bit,or so I thought since the doc decided to do another oral test. Last one my 2hr figure was 10.1, this time it was 7!!!! Went back and saw my usual doc who told me I was definately still pre diabetic.Then when I checked,(tools ap on here) I realised that my hba1c was really only up by 0.1 which was nothing after all thats been going on in my life. Two GPs two totally different approaches in the same practice. I think I will stick with the positive one, who also supports lower carb eating, and tells me becoming T2 is not something that will definately happen. The other seems to be more interested in sticking me on the diabetic register and filling me with pills.