Constant lows!


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Type 1
I am 15 weeks pregnant and I wrote a topic on here in my first trimester about the constant high blood sugars I am now in my 2nd trimester and my blood sugars are dropping constantly! Is it did anyone have this? I had a little cry earlier feel like everything I'm doing isn't good enough xx


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@Finley02 I had swings throughout my pregnancy. One week of highs, one week of lows.
It's nothing you're doing wrong it's all hormonal.
I'm 36+4 now and am still having times like that.
Just go with it, don't over correct the hypos, don't over correct the highs and don't over stress it (harder said than done I know!)

Good luck!
Claire x
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I had lots of lows and it seemed like I could eat and eat and it had no effect on my lows sometimes, especially in the mornings when I had lots. That started to reduce around 18 weeks or so, and the number of lows went right down by something like 26 weeks. Then I had what I call 'normal' lows - more to do with miscalculating carbs, etc.

It's normal to have lots of lows in the first half of pregnancy, but do speak to your team if they're really difficult for you.

As for the crying - hormonal again, I think. I cried at the drop of a hat during pregnancy. Be kind to yourself and take care. XX
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I'm sure i wrote this exact same post as you @Finley02 there is so many lows to deal with I was sick of the sight of lucozade but you're doing well Hun xx
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Type 1
Haha I'm drinking lucozade like it's coming out of my ears sometimes a glass doesn't even touch the sides it scares me!

Thank you ladies nice to hear some reassuring comments.

I hope you are all well! I am nearly 4 months can't believe how it's flying by! Xx
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Haha I'm drinking lucozade like it's coming out of my ears sometimes a glass doesn't even touch the sides it scares me!

Thank you ladies nice to hear some reassuring comments.

I hope you are all well! I am nearly 4 months can't believe how it's flying by! Xx

As ridiculous as it sounds you should appreciate the lows cos when I started going higher that is much less fun and more of a battle to sort than the hypo's were for me...

Although at the minute I don't know my backside from my elbow because I've gone back to being fairly low the last few weeks but still with days where I have to fight to bring levels down, this baby causes havoc and she's not even here yet lol

I'll be 29 weeks on Monday and feel like everything has totally slowed down for me I'm just too impatient, although I've got a scan Monday so that's something to look forward too xx
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Type 1
Ye, I see what u mean either way low or light makes me feel awful... Very hard being pregnant and diabetic I think lol!

Haha ah I know I have days like that can't win today is another day of lows reduced my basal insulin again last night!

Are u really ! I think it goes in fits and starts one minute it flys by then the other it's like hurry up! Haha

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