Diabetes care via telephone??

Sugar Coated

I rang my GP to say my Prostate was uncomfortable and was asked to do a blood test. Turns out all they were interested in was my abnormal Glucose and was declared Type II. - BUT - apart from 2 blood tests where in the interim I had dropped from 57 to 55 within a month (as I obviously took sensible measures knowing), I have received just one 15 min phone call from GP and an appointment for the Diabetic eye exam. No follow-up with a Diabetic Nurse or other advice.

So, I am doing my own thing in taking sensible steps; no cakes/sweets/fizzy drinks/white rice etc and half a Setvia tab in Tea, but I have the odd slip - a couple of Rich Tea bics or couple of Liquorice Allsorts now and then. Weight down to under 12st/5'10

But I am anxious to know whether the odd amount of sugar is actually important for the body in general and do sweetners have any adverse effects on your condition?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi and welcome

Whilst your drop from 57 to 55 mmol/mol is good it is still above the threshold for diagnosis of 48 mmol/mol.
It is of course a retrospective test as it looks at the past 2-3 months average blood glucose level.

no cakes/sweets/fizzy drinks/white rice etc and half a Setvia tab in Tea, but I have the odd slip - a couple of Rich Tea bics or couple of Liquorice Allsorts now and then. Weight down to under 12st/5'10

T2 is more about an intolerance to all carbohydrates so limiting sugar whilst great may not be quite enough.
Carbohydrates (whatever their colour) aren't great for us so a switch from white to brown rice likely won't make much difference whereas ditching rice completely might be a major benefit.

Nowadays I very rarely use any sweeteners at all and find that even cream tastes sweet to me.

If you can base your meals around meat, fish, eggs veg grown above ground some berries and dairy you won't go far wrong.
No stodge, starch or sugar.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. Yes, all carbs are a problem for us. The body doesn't need any sugar intake as it can get all the glucose it needs from fats & proteins plus any carbs you do have. Sweeteners are not a problem for us; I always use them for me tea & coffee.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
A useful app (if you are into apps ) is the Freshwell Gp rpactice low carb one.
I am sorry you are flying solo as I think support is really important as you change habits but we are here and below:

This is a low carb practice but other approaches to remission are available e.g. Prof Roy Taylor's and Michael Mosley book Blood Sugar Diet.
All of these approaches work by getting excess fat out of your liver and from around your pancreas with the latter being more of a short sharp shock (8 weeks at 800 kcals).
I believe, from running a support group, that most people prefer the less drastic low carb route along the lines of eat real (non processed foods),prioritise protein, fill up on fat and careful (very) on carbs (starch and sugars that is)