Diabetic foot


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Due to diabetes my father had a wound on the lower side of his foot. As per the X-ray report, some of the joints in his left foot are affected, but the wound has completely healed, and there is proper blood flow in all veins as per the color Doppler test. Should we proceed with his treatment for the toes removal according to what an diabetic and orthopedic doctor stated? The patient is able to walk.

Patient presents with no hypertension or heart disease, weighing 78kg and measuring 5ft in height. Family history includes the unfortunate demise of an elder brother due to similar diabetic complications, and the patient's mother was also diagnosed with diabetes. There are no specific allergies reported. The patient has been managing diabetes since 2004, spanning nearly 20 years. The left foot was affected in 2021, leading to multiple surgeries since then. Currently, the patient is using antibiotics such as Linezolid to prevent the spread of pus.

He is 60 years old from Pakistan.

(mod edit to remove personal information)
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi SyncSaqib and welcome to the forums.

I'm sorry to hear that your father is in this situation. Unfortunately no-one on this forum can provide you with answers to the questions you're asking - we can't give medical advice. Some people might however have been in a similar position and can tell you about their experiences.

It might be worth talking to your father's medical team about what's concerning you.

I hope things work out.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi @SyncSaqib , welcome to the forum.
As per the X-ray report, some of the joints in his left foot are affected, but the wound has completely healed, and there is proper blood flow in all veins as per the color Doppler test. Should we proceed with his treatment for the toes removal according to what an diabetic and orthopedic doctor stated?
We can't give medical advice, and even if we could, we wouldn't have the full picture like those two specialists have,

You say his wound has completely healed, but the doctor's note says "Currently, the patient is using antibiotics such as Linezolid to prevent the spread of pus."
If he's still on antibiotics and has pus, the wound hasn't completely healed during the past years, and he may be running the risk of losing more than his toes, this seems to have been going on for a long time.

I think the best thing your father can do is to make a new appointment with orthopedics to talk all possibilities through.

Good luck and all the best for your father!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Best way see a podiatrist and make an appointment because I’ve never seen a podiatrist for well over 17 years now so I wouldn’t be able to advise anyone not on this issue even though I’m type 2 diabetic and insulin dependent but that’s my best bet for you to do